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Author Topic: Unable to install RB24 on my RPi  (Read 36098 times)

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Re: Unable to install RB24 on my RPi
« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2017, 06:38:11 PM »
To be honest I cannot remember the version as I set up this feeder in my shed a couple of years ago !! I have a spare SD card image that I have been trying all this on, so I'll see what happens next with the above commands. This will have to wait now as I will be away tonight, but thanks for your suggestion.  Will report back in about a week.


If trying "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" dont solve the problem, try this one also:
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

If all above fails, then the headache-free way is to format the microSD card and make a fresh install using latest versions of OS and all other software.

Thanks abcd567 for your help, but alas still fails with same missing files. I'll do a fresh install on another Pi I have and see where I go with that, problem I always have is trying to remember what is needed and excluding the tv sdr etc. Have lots of notes from FR24, so should be fun :-)
