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Author Topic: 6.02.003  (Read 8141 times)

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« on: July 24, 2022, 02:49:21 PM »
I’m new here,so apologies if this has been brought up before…
Is 6.02.003 the latest version of ARB(the green flight stick)?
So all new flight sticks are shipped with this version?

I’m curious,because it says March 2018 when I look at the properties file on my PC.
I thought a new version might have been available considering it’s been overv3 years

I’m trying to tweak the display a bit,to get it similar to the display of my Kinetic SBS-1,namely:

1.My screen is cluttered.I only want to see flight number,reg,type and altitude-not route info or speed
2.Can I change the icon size of the aircraft on my map?
3.How can I remove extended runway centrelines?
4.How can I change the background colour of the aircraft grid?(white is a bit bright for my old eyes)
5.Can I tilt the map,so it’s not pointing in the same direction all the time?
6.There’s a white rectangular space at the bottom of my map-how can I get rid of that?

1-5 I am able to do with my old SBS-1,but I can’t find a way with RB


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Re: 6.02.003
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2022, 03:22:31 PM »
Hi Allen

No newer version is available.  That version was amended to allow it to work with the x-range receivers and is basically the same as the original from 2008 with only very limited changes such as the database updater with all their efforts going into Radarbox

To answer your querys

1 It is not possible to alter the lable contents only their colour
2. No
3. You can't
4. You can't
5. No
6. No idea what you mean.  The only thing I can think of in my version 6.00.02 there is space there for the Vertical Tracking View.  This doesn't show in V6.00.03 due to a bug introduced by the x-range change.  You should be able to get rid of it by ticking Map/Vertical Tracking View
