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Author Topic: vulcan xh558  (Read 17162 times)

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Re: vulcan xh558
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2008, 07:04:41 AM »

so if I remove those incomplete mode s codes and then pick up the same code it should fill in the details if the server has them. Does this apply to networked aircraft as well or only the ones picked up by my own box? I am taking the box away with me shortly and doubt I will be able to connect to the net so I assume that this update via the Airnav server will not take place.


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Re: vulcan xh558
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2008, 11:57:49 AM »

so if I remove those incomplete mode s codes and then pick up the same code it should fill in the details if the server has them.


Does this apply to networked aircraft as well or only the ones picked up by my own box?

For network traffic you have to click on the aircraft in the list for an update to take place. If you order the list by Registration all of the aircraft you don't have in your database will be grouped together either top or bottom with no registration. You can then highlight each of them easily and any that are on the server will get added to your database. Obviously any that remain the same in the list aren't on the server.

I am taking the box away with me shortly and doubt I will be able to connect to the net so I assume that this update via the Airnav server will not take place.

Correct again.

I take my RB out and about with me and I use the network traffic as a way of populating my database with aircraft I may see on my travels but wouldn't locally. I just connect the network traffic for a few minutes several times a day and click on any with missing registrations to try and obtain the information from the server. Any that don't get updated I search for on the web and add those I can confirm manually.

Hope this helps.
RB - MVT9000 - UBC30XLT (for acars)


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Re: vulcan xh558
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2008, 04:40:34 PM »
Yes - many thanks but it does not seem to work for me for some reason. I am currently tracking SX-DVO with a mode S code of 4692CF - it is in the GAS database as I looked it up earlier yet it does not want to fill in the details.

Also I have yet to find many mode s codes with nothing else filled in ? I have got load that have mode s/reg/type - are these the ones that should be removed


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Re: vulcan xh558
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2008, 04:56:33 PM »
Yes - many thanks but it does not seem to work for me for some reason. I am currently tracking SX-DVO with a mode S code of 4692CF - it is in the GAS database as I looked it up earlier yet it does not want to fill in the details.

Also I have yet to find many mode s codes with nothing else filled in ? I have got load that have mode s/reg/type - are these the ones that should be removed

Paul, is this a network track, or a live track you are picking up with your antenna?

If it was a Network track, did you click on the aircraft in the aircraft list.


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Re: vulcan xh558
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2008, 05:42:16 PM »
yes - it is a network track. Yes I tried a click on each of the columns with no joy - any suggestions much appreciated - am slowly putting in some of these manually but surely if in the GAS database they should appear?


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Re: vulcan xh558
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2008, 06:13:56 PM »
Yes - many thanks but it does not seem to work for me for some reason. I am currently tracking SX-DVO with a mode S code of 4692CF - it is in the GAS database as I looked it up earlier yet it does not want to fill in the details.

Also I have yet to find many mode s codes with nothing else filled in ? I have got load that have mode s/reg/type - are these the ones that should be removed

Those are the ones I removed from my database purely on the basis that the thought of trying to manually update all 36k or so of them wasn't a prospect I fancied. This way I can add the others details a few at a time if and when they get added back to the database. I do daily searches for aircraft added to my database that have either blank or '...' values in any field or 'untitled' within the AC field. I then update as necessary if I can find the missing information. It's a never ending task so I'll leave it to you to decide which records you want to remove / which details you feel you need.

As regards the apparent issue with details that are on the GAS database but not downloaded I've noticed the same thing. You'll also notice that sometimes the AC and CN fields are switched or the AT field shows '...' even though the correct details are on the GAS database. I can only assume that either AirNav only take periodic updates or (considering the AT '...' issue) that there is an issue with the query process that AirNav are using. It's not consistent though so hard to say. You may also want to query for ModeS codes that aren't resolved. Many of the ones that don't update within RB are on there or they have additional information such as the company that GAS doesn't have. It's a bit of a pain but once each ones added you won't keep seeing it in the list of network flights as 'unknown' so worth doing.
RB - MVT9000 - UBC30XLT (for acars)


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Re: vulcan xh558
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2008, 08:53:31 PM »
Many thanks for the reply - I have a bit of 'housekeeping' to do!


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Re: vulcan xh558
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2008, 10:40:35 PM »
Many thanks for the reply - I have a bit of 'housekeeping' to do!


Here's a list of things I check for in the aircraft database:

AC contains 'null', '...', is blank or contains a number (for where AC and CN are switched)
AT contains 'null', '...' or is blank
AR contains 'null' or is blank
AN contains 'null', 'tie-in' (to cover GAS database 'tie-in from country' issue - these are usually on or is blank

I also go through and set airline names to uniform values for easier searching of logs i.e Easyjet, Easyjet Airlines and Easyjet Airline Company are all set to just Easyjet as they should be. If you check your daily logs you'll soon see which names need looking at.

Don't want to worry you but there are about 12k records in the database with AC set to just 'untitled'. I'm working through mine bit by bit and so far have found details for around 70% of the ones I've checked.

One last thing to consider. When I check mine I enter '?' in any fields that I can't find details for. This helps to prevent me from re-checking for details I've previously checked for. I'll then periodically focus on those records to check if new information has become available. It means I don't need to delete them from the database in the hope they'll auto update that way as well.
RB - MVT9000 - UBC30XLT (for acars)