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Author Topic: loss of users Account Renewal  (Read 24921 times)

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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2009, 11:39:20 AM »
The point I was attempting to make in the previous, closed, posts was that the 2009 software was available after the price change - but it seems as though the details had not been passed within AirNav, to update any notices there.

Please ensure that the notice referencing the credit is removed from 2.1
Based in Hexham - Tyne Valley 
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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2009, 11:50:19 AM »
Can we get this clear.  AFAIK, Airnav have never advertised the network as having 30 mins free use for every hour of sharing.  The monthly/annual subscription pricing model has been in place for at least a year, all the way back to v1.3.  You only see the 30 minute free usage message when you turn sharing off.  Everyone should have known the pricing model when they bought their Radarbox.

Sure, the message needs removing, but there's far more important things that need fixing in the software than this message in my opinion.

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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2009, 11:56:47 AM »
Its funny that only one person has emailed saying I thought I was entitled to free time. The message only appears as Tarbat says if you untick sharing which very few people do.

The only time people start bringing this up is when it was mentioned on the forum and then a few customers though this is a brilliant way not to pay. I am sorry guys but that message in the software was a mistake and its not mentioned anywhere else and nobody has got a free time so no point in bringing it up again and again.

The message will be removed in the next version.
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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2009, 02:53:22 PM »
To be fair, the main reason users aren't turning off Sharing, is because they're forced to do it EVERY time they start RadarBox should they choose NOT to share - which is a pain in the backside.

It's also, I think, disingenuous to have "Sharing On" hardwired into every system when you intend charging others for the data that other users who opt not to share (or partake in the network) are providing free.

This has been aired before in threads about Preferences.  I, and others at the time considered that a preference should be able to be set by individual users, and retained by the software for the next startup.

It should be a matter of choice.

Go around, I say again go around...


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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2009, 03:09:53 PM »
To be fair, the main reason users aren't turning off Sharing, is because they're forced to do it EVERY time they start RadarBox should they choose NOT to share - which is a pain in the backside.

I don't think that's the main reason users aren't turning off Sharing.  If users really feel that strongly about the sharing issue, then they will make the effort of the three mouse clicks that are required.  The main reason that users are not turning off Sharing, is because they are quite happy to share their data - just as I am, even when I don't have Network data selected.

You are quite right, it is a matter of choice :-)

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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2009, 03:14:56 PM »
It won't happen, with the exception of customers who don't want to share because of legal reasons or cos they are not paying for the network the others have no reason not too (ok a few say it runs quicker in earlier versions). We could have easily coded it so it hard sharing all the time regardless, at least we have given the option.

We were more concerened as well that normal customers who don't know the ins and outs picking up random forum posts and turning it off. Some of the users on this forum may be suprised to hear a few posts here and there are picked up by begginers who email support following various items which have no relevance to there issue.
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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2009, 05:43:08 PM »
Can I just point out that there is a bit of a reference to a sharing credit on the Tools...Network Account Information screen, where it shows "Minites Credited" and "Minutes Available".

Perhaps AirNav ought to remove that, too.



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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2009, 06:44:16 PM »
i can,t understand people some time,this is the first message i have posted since joining,i think this is more to do with a reality check... when i started spotting many years ago you where lucky to get any advanced information about anything and it was the chosen few with there groups that kept it that way now we have a great system that crosses the world supplying amazing information  for people like me who are obsessed with avation.I was one of the first people with sbs system and have enjoyed it a great deal, rb in my opinon is a perfect system that need a few tweeks and is easy to use, unlike sbs where you have to be a computer freak to update it.hears my point for 50 quid its the best bargin in town and  and i will always.........yes always share my info not just with rb but as well sitting outside  a cold airfeild fence,, if that money is to much for you stop subscribing thats fine, but stop trying to infulence people like me who want to share their hobby, totally suport the airnav team on this subject... before some people start to warm up remember this is my opinion

regards dave-c


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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2009, 06:52:13 PM »
Well said Dave C - I'm with you!

phil zech

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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2009, 06:57:24 PM »

Could not agree more, I cannot believe people are trying to badger Air Nav to drop the price even lower. I mean, its less than £1 per week, 15 p per day, what can you get for that these days , nowt !!.

I love the network, and even if i didnt use it I would still share data.

It seems to me that most of the people having a problem with this live in the UK , so not a problem if they didnt share ,as UK is covered comprehensively already by people who already share.

To the rest of you guys out there carry on sharing so we can enjoy our hobby and using this great piece of kit.




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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2009, 07:02:09 PM »
Welcome to the forum, Dave C, and hear hear!

I agree - if I couldn't or didn't want to afford the network subscription, I wouldn't turn off sharing unless my internet connection charged me for doing it. I think it's rather sad to turn it off as a matter of principle.



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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2009, 08:03:11 PM »
My subscription lapsed in the middle of January and I have not yet renewed, mostly because of job security at the moment, however I have continued to share by data when ever I use RB, it is not in my interest stop sharing the information just because I am not using the network data and certainly not in the spirit of our hobby.  £50 for a years subscription is not a lot of money for the joy that we get from using the system, i for one will be paying my subscription by the end of the week as I miss the use of the network.  My only gripe and it's only a small one is that Airnav could have emailed me to let me know that my subscription had lapsed rather than finding out when i logged in and that perhaps they could have extended the subscription by a couple of days because of the network outage recently.  So lets enjoy another year of a wonderful hobby.



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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2009, 10:01:01 PM »
Could not agree more, I cannot believe people are trying to badger Air Nav to drop the price even lower. I mean, its less than £1 per week, 15 p per day, what can you get for that these days , nowt !!.

Well I for one am not badgering Airnav to drop the price.  If you use the network regularly, then it's good value for money.  I'd happily pay the 15p per day, on the occasional day that I want network access.  It's paying £50 for a whole year, when I know I won't use it for 98% of the time, that I have a problem with.

If I can't pay per day/week, then I'll use and Planeplotter for the odd occasion that I need extended range.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 11:14:50 PM by tarbat »


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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #28 on: February 13, 2009, 08:34:17 AM »
Agree with Tarbat - my RB is not on every day and even then I do not use the network traffic much as I am only really interested in the aircraft I am likely to see rather than a dot on a screen.


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Re: loss of users Account Renewal
« Reply #29 on: February 13, 2009, 11:29:01 AM »
Well said and put. I see a monthly sub suggested and you are having a look at that. That appears a good idea. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. You will see i am only a "month old" member.