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Author Topic: Help with window display  (Read 3402 times)

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Help with window display
« on: May 15, 2009, 11:39:34 AM »
I have had radar box for 3 weeks and have used it at home (ATL), LHR,TYO and HKG with no problems. This morning when I opened it I had lost all maps and had to start a new home map. When radar box opens the map covers the whole screen left to right with just the toolbars above and nothing to the right or left. I have now managed to get the map so that the "my flights" list is displayed to the right but only 2 inches of it. I want to return to my former screen of about one half map (on the left) anf one half "my flights" on the right. Trying to move the map over by dragging the edge with the left mouse button doesn't work. How can I balance the two? I don't see any mention of this problem in the help screen.


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Re: Help with window display
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2009, 11:43:08 AM »
Strange.  Maybe try on the menu bar - TOOLS - INTERFACE - SHOW/HIDE.


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Re: Help with window display
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2009, 11:18:44 PM »
I have had radar box for 3 weeks and have used it at home (ATL), LHR,TYO and HKG with no problems. This morning when I opened it I had lost all maps and had to start a new home map. When radar box opens the map covers the whole screen left to right with just the toolbars above and nothing to the right or left. I have now managed to get the map so that the "my flights" list is displayed to the right but only 2 inches of it. I want to return to my former screen of about one half map (on the left) anf one half "my flights" on the right. Trying to move the map over by dragging the edge with the left mouse button doesn't work. How can I balance the two? I don't see any mention of this problem in the help screen.

I've just had a dose of this on my laptop. Radarbox is the only program I have installed on it. It begin with the screen freezing on start up and showing (not responding) if you click anywhere on the screen then after a minute or so it would all kick in properly. A couple of days of this then the symptoms changed to how you describe (Full screen map and you have to select interface in tools to show myflights on screen) . I did an uninstall / reinstall which cured it. I saved my Navdata DB3 + Mylog DB3 files to a memory stick before the uninstall and put them back after.

Second problem I had after reinstall was while editing my Navadata in database explorer it would intermitantly come up with the following error


My antivirus did not pick anything up?

I have no idea of the relavance of this error but on the strength of it I set the laptop back to factory settings with the recovery disk and started again with the saved DB3 files. I have been running normaly again for about 6 days now with no probs.

HTH John
Based in Derby 5Nm NW of EGNX