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Author Topic: Future Version Suggestions / Requests  (Read 270056 times)

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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2009, 02:56:28 AM »
I'd just like to actuallly have Ver3. I cant believe I'm back twice now from Iraq
and no updates. 


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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2009, 05:17:08 AM »
Another vote here for being able to change the order of the flight tracking columns


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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2009, 06:58:04 AM »
In v2.0 at least, not all aircraft are supported: in particular, only those with full ADS-B support are delivered.  The request was for all aircraft to be delivered.

I'm seeing non-positional aircraft in Planeplotter now, running the v3.0 beta.  Check on the Planeplotter network, sharer code pQ.  5-min delayed of course.

Two different issues here.

PlanePlotter doesn't use the socket output from either RadarBox or SBS to plot non-positional aircraft, in fact you can use PP's multilateration feature without having a Mode S receiver connected at all.

But it's still important to have non-ADS-B data in the socket output.  Ideally, third-party add-on applications (Squawkbox, for example) shouldn't have to know or care whether their feed is coming from RadarBox or SBS as they should be identical in format and content.
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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2009, 08:09:44 AM »
PlanePlotter doesn't use the socket output from either RadarBox or SBS to plot non-positional aircraft, in fact you can use PP's multilateration feature without having a Mode S receiver connected at all.

Planeplotter DOES use socket output for non-positional aircraft.  They appear in my Planeplotter aircraft list:

So v3.0 beta is definately outputting non-postional aircraft on both port 7879 and port 30003.


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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2009, 08:17:14 AM »
I am confused, which does not take much I know.

As the majority of use do not have v3.0 yet, therefore we are not fully aware of what has been or not been implemented, would this thread not be better left until we have all had a play then decide what we would like added?

15 Miles East of EGNJ


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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2009, 08:19:26 AM »
I would like the facility to playback recordings at an accelerated rate so I can quickly scan planes that passed near my location throughout the day while I was away and then switch back to live realtime tracking.

Me too I would love to be able to play back my recordings at a faster rate or go to a time slot.



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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2009, 08:46:32 AM »
Planeplotter DOES use socket output for non-positional aircraft.  They appear in my Planeplotter aircraft list:

No argument there - but what I said was "PlanePlotter doesn't use the socket output from either RadarBox or SBS to plot non-positional aircraft".  Yes, they appear in the PP Aircraft List, but they won't plot on the map unless their position has been multilaterated, and the multilateration process definitely isn't based on the socket output.

So v3.0 beta is definately outputting non-postional aircraft on both port 7879 and port 30003.

That's good to hear, a step in the right direction.  I look forward to its release.
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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2009, 10:17:20 AM »
i would like to hear live conversations between aircraft and airports, but it's too much to ask. i could provide feed from liee and lied


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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2009, 11:42:20 AM »
also when i get an alert, an like a 7777 an option to go straight to that aircraft


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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2009, 12:09:48 PM »
I'd like an option to include all alerts in the Fleet Watch list - then you can just double-click on the aircraft in Fleet Watch to centre on it.


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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2009, 12:19:38 PM »
If the data on Ports 30003 and 7879 is now being delayed - is there any chance on 'live' data on another port - specifically the Mode-S, FlightID, Registration and Squawk.
This would enable the user to have a chance of listening to the traffic, the Squawk directing towards the frequencies to use - an external table and program!!!
Based in Hexham - Tyne Valley 
Best view for RB is North of a line between EGNT and EGNC  - includes OTA and Spade, to EGPH above 7500ft.   Can be TRUE mobile with Mobile Broadband feed to Network.


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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2009, 12:22:06 PM »
This would enable the user to have a chance of listening to the traffic, the Squawk directing towards the frequencies to use - an external table and program!!!

Personally, I'd prefer Squawk Code lookup within Radarbox itself, as per previous request(s) -

Another suggestion.  For non-ADS/B aircraft transmitting a Flight ID with a valid route, when that aircraft is seleted, display the route on the map, in the same way that ADS/B aircraft are displayed.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2009, 12:25:06 PM by tarbat »


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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #27 on: June 18, 2009, 02:49:18 PM »

<deep breath>

1. Undockable windows & proper multi-monitor awareness for the app. Please. Pretty please. With jam on top. I even offered to send Aleksey a second monitor so he could start work straight away! ;^)

2. Play Recorded File: Option to speed up or scan file rather than watch it in ‘real time’

3. Preferences: Grid Visible Columns – option to change display order

4. My Flights Window: Highlight the selected or alternate rows like an Excel spreadsheet?

5. Editing Aircraft: Why oh why do you limit editing to one cell at a time? And then click elsewhere just to be able to save it. Painful. SBS-1 for example opens up the whole aircraft record card so all changes can be made easily

6. Reporter: Why on earth are the only choices Today & Yesterday? Needs a calendar or some other way to choose also

7. Reporter: Yesterday should mean Yesterday. Not Yesterday minus Today!

8. FTP: Add configurable ftp upload time

9. FTP: Add enhanced information such as; Number of Flights Tracked etc.

10. Weather: Function works well with 3 choices but would it be possible to have it display in colourful, icon form such as that with other plug-in weather add-ons or the SBS-1 bolt on Metar Viewer?

11. Vastly expanded MyAlerts list to include;

Option to give description of Mode-S or Registration to identify at a glance what your own Alerts are for?

Send to SMS Text option. If sat outside in the garden it would be nice to know what the plane is that is flying overhead at that moment not run upstairs or wait until later when back at PC to read email…

…or option to format own email for using 3rd party Email to SMS services that may be limited to 160 characters?

Different actions for different type of alerts;

Different sound assigned for different types of alert

Different email address for certain alerts etc.

Option to click on Notification Message Box or Alert Log to select Alert in My Flights list and/or Map?

Keep a log of Alerts to browse at any time?

Identify Alerted flight in different colour/blinking etc.

There was more...but I'll stop there for now...I had already sent this very feature list in nearly a year ago and was hoping some of them would have made it into 2.0 let alone 3.0 - well you did ask AirNav! :-)

Thanks & regards,

AirNav Development

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Re: V3.0 Suggestions/Requests
« Reply #28 on: June 18, 2009, 03:43:09 PM »
You guys will kill us with work. keep those suggestions coming.
We have modified the thread subject for it to be more precise.


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Re: Future Version Suggestions / Requests
« Reply #29 on: June 18, 2009, 03:52:58 PM »
Hi Airnav,

I would like to see the issue in reply 2 of this thread sorted out please. It would make me very happy.

Cheers John
Based in Derby 5Nm NW of EGNX