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Author Topic: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.01 Beta - Part 2  (Read 81530 times)

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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.01 Beta - Part 2
« Reply #105 on: August 25, 2009, 08:18:10 PM »
@ Allocator

I totally agree!!



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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.01 Beta - Part 2
« Reply #106 on: August 25, 2009, 08:49:52 PM »
As i said before,I get the feeling there's people on this forum on a mission.
from pat

I don't think anyone here is on a mission Pat.

For someone to spend £400 on a RadarBox, £100 on an antenna, £100 on a pre-amp and £100 on cables, connectors, etc. IMHO they earn the right to politely ask a question - no matter how awkward it might be - and expect a civil answer.

There are some knowledgable people here and we all share the same hobby in our own way with different ideas about what we want and how we would like to achieve it.

I for example always share my data but it bugs the hell out of me that my own preferences would not be honoured if I set them...much like previous versions of ANRB that always forgot I had trail lines turned off.

Every time I started the program it took me two mouse clicks to rectify but it was two mouse clicks too much.

To many people it would not be an issue but it annoyed/frustrated me big time.

I like my PC to make my life easy...;^)

It would annoy me even more if I had to perform 5 mouse clicks every time I launched the damn program!

What one person can put up with can be a big problem for someone man's meat is another mans poison.

As I said before for me it is a non-isssue but if one applied a modicum of common sense and logic it would certainly dictate that a users preferences should be followed.


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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.01 Beta - Part 2
« Reply #107 on: August 25, 2009, 09:05:28 PM »
We did explain why we have done it, and a civil answer has been given to this and many times in other threads of similar type on the forum. Its when customers who really want something know how to play the game.

If they say your support is not good etc.. they know they will get a reaction and we will be forced into doing something. This is extremely annoying for us as we cannot do everything that a customer asks.

This is a typical example where this has happened. Unfortunately we do have few other users (whether customers or not) who do like to pick on these things and cause a fuss.
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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.01 Beta - Part 2
« Reply #108 on: August 25, 2009, 09:13:01 PM »
As i said before,I get the feeling there's people on this forum on a mission.
from pat

I don't think anyone here is on a mission Pat.

For someone to spend £400 on a RadarBox, £100 on an antenna, £100 on a pre-amp and £100 on cables, connectors, etc. IMHO they earn the right to politely ask a question - no matter how awkward it might be - and expect a civil answer.

There are some knowledgable people here and we all share the same hobby in our own way with different ideas about what we want and how we would like to achieve it.

I for example always share my data but it bugs the hell out of me that my own preferences would not be honoured if I set them...much like previous versions of ANRB that always forgot I had trail lines turned off.

Every time I started the program it took me two mouse clicks to rectify but it was two mouse clicks too much.

To many people it would not be an issue but it annoyed/frustrated me big time.

I like my PC to make my life easy...;^)

It would annoy me even more if I had to perform 5 mouse clicks every time I launched the damn program!

What one person can put up with can be a big problem for someone man's meat is another mans poison.

As I said before for me it is a non-isssue but if one applied a modicum of common sense and logic it would certainly dictate that a users preferences should be followed.

hi GlynH
Your missing my point, airnav have explained all this in Reply #97 on: August 23,
its now the 25/26 aug, and your not the only one who had to buy there RadarBox,
glynh i personally can not see where the problem is off/on makes no difference to me.
that just my opinion.
from pat

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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.01 Beta - Part 2
« Reply #109 on: August 25, 2009, 09:25:06 PM »
This thread is being locked now, the subjects have moved away from the Beta issues and Beta 3.02 is not far off now.
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