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Author Topic: ARB taking time to populate My Flights on start-up  (Read 13755 times)

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Re: ARB taking time to populate My Flights on start-up
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2009, 03:21:44 PM »
Thanks Tarbat.


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Re: ARB taking time to populate My Flights on start-up
« Reply #31 on: November 10, 2009, 03:48:46 PM »
hi all
Honestly some people are making mountains out of mole hills here, we are talking about 5 to 30 seconds in some computers at the most,  but i can see certain individuals on here trying to stir up trouble. (of course not rocket science to work out who it is)
from pat

Totally confused by this.  Are we talking about the same problem.  How does 30 seconds at the most equate to my problem of 4 minutes 30 seconds.  I have asked the system to delete old data over 5 months t but this has not changed my total aircraft of 16000 plus. 

Dudley Baker
[email protected]
Valiant, Victor, Shackelton, Canberra, VC10, Tornado Typhoon 737 747 A320 A300 Engineer.


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Re: ARB taking time to populate My Flights on start-up
« Reply #32 on: November 10, 2009, 03:52:39 PM »
I think that this comment was not taking into account that the server has been struggling somewhat before it fell over completely, I suspect that is what led to the times you are stating.

Personally both 3.07, a later 3.07 update and 3.08 have all been pretty slow to start for me since at least the last week or so, however I expect things to be much more rapid now. I'll see when I get a chance to test later.


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Re: ARB taking time to populate My Flights on start-up
« Reply #33 on: November 10, 2009, 03:52:59 PM »
How does 30 seconds at the most equate to my problem of 4 minutes 30 seconds.  I have asked the system to delete old data over 5 months t but this has not changed my total aircraft of 16000 plus. 

4m30s sounds excessive,and would indicate a problem in my opinion.  Possibly anti-virus.

Deleting old data in MyLog only deletes the flights, NOT the aircraft.


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Re: ARB taking time to populate My Flights on start-up
« Reply #34 on: November 10, 2009, 03:56:59 PM »
My AV setup excludes the whole directory tree where the Airnav software resides.

It hasn't made any difference to the start up time that I can tell, I monitor the process CPU usage and AVG was not much in evidence. I deliberately waited until all the startup programs had initialised before checking the CPU load.

I think it will all be back to normal when the server is fully functional, but adding a status indicator that is a bit more explanatory of what the program is trying to retrieve would help.


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Re: ARB taking time to populate My Flights on start-up
« Reply #35 on: November 10, 2009, 04:03:10 PM »
Airnav, Im having a problem with Auto-populate. It doesnt work? im connected to the net and dont have AVG running. The flight refects on the Gatwick Aviation website data, and there is also a picture on

Is there a problem with this at the moment?


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Re: ARB taking time to populate My Flights on start-up
« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2009, 04:46:54 PM »

Now we are getting somewhere.  I have had exceptions to excluded Air Nav Systems for sometime.  I have now set to exclude air nave data as well.  Load time now less than 2 minutes. 


Can I remove AVG.  I am with NTL and believe they protect my computer.

Dudley Baker
[email protected]
Valiant, Victor, Shackelton, Canberra, VC10, Tornado Typhoon 737 747 A320 A300 Engineer.


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Re: ARB taking time to populate My Flights on start-up
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2009, 05:11:34 PM »
Now the network is back MyFlights list loads almost instantly when it was dlayed before. Great.

Same here :-)
hi all
Honestly some people are making mountains out of mole hills here, we are talking about 5 to 30 seconds in some computers at the most,  but i can see certain individuals on here trying to stir up trouble. (of course not rocket science to work out who it is)
from pat

Not sure about everyone else, but I'm talking about the time it takes from pressing 'Start' for flights to appear on the radar.

I was on 2.0(something) when it was near instant, then using 3.08 gave 30+ second delay.
Not much of a big deal to me but it may be/have been something obviously simple the devs to nail.



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Re: ARB taking time to populate My Flights on start-up
« Reply #38 on: November 10, 2009, 07:27:57 PM »
Can I remove AVG.  I am with NTL and believe they protect my computer.

Strongly recommended that you don't, they do not and cannot protect you for the very reason that the only way to ensure that would be to avoid routing any traffic to you.


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Re: ARB taking time to populate My Flights on start-up
« Reply #39 on: November 10, 2009, 07:53:55 PM »
Switched from AVG to Avast antivirus over the weekend, but still had slow startup with ANRB v3.08b

Just found the 'exclusions' tab within Avast and duly excluded my entire ANRB directory. I think my old AVG exclusion was just excluding the anrb.exe file and not the whole directory...

Just started RB up (after this tinkering) and from clicking the ANRB icon to seeing the first flight appear in MyFlights took 46 seconds.

45 seconds to validated my databases, etc etc and get to the start window.

Then 1 second to populate MyFlights with the first flight and show it on the radar screen.

A major improvement - with AVG I was looking at a five minute startup time. Possibly me being ignorant as to how to setup exclusions within AVG properly?

As for one second for first flight to appear - thats amazing considering my indoor standard ANRB antenna was indoors and well away from my groundfloor window...


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Re: ARB taking time to populate My Flights on start-up
« Reply #40 on: November 11, 2009, 09:27:50 AM »

Deleting old data has taken my log from 196336KB to 2784KB.  This is bound to help.  My 16000 plus aircraft remain as indicated by Tarbat.

Dudley Baker
[email protected]
Valiant, Victor, Shackelton, Canberra, VC10, Tornado Typhoon 737 747 A320 A300 Engineer.