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Author Topic: Sharing great aviation websites  (Read 146768 times)

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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2010, 12:04:46 AM »
For the sake of completeness of this “Great aviation websites” thread, I have added good sites posted on other threads recently:
* Pilot’s view of live aircraft over Portugal using Google Earth -
* UK Aviation Frequency Database -

Secondly, I was hoping forum members could contribute websites where daily ADS-B logs are posted (along with the region). Whilst libhomeradar does this to some extent, it no longer shows general aviation.

Here’s a few examples.

Europe wide -
South Wales -
Glasgow - (go to SBS-logs)
UK (midlands)

Can others think of anymore?


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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2010, 12:20:37 AM »
Here are the other regions of the RVSM approvals

South/Central America (monitoring/approved aircraft tab)

Africa (AFI State RVSM Approval Database link)

Middle East (includes mode S codes)


Far East



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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2010, 12:25:40 AM »
Hi There,
Can anyone listen to JFK airport etc on ? because everytime I go to listen to a broadcast, it has error msgs?
Thank You
Johnn -


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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2010, 02:07:18 PM »
Hi Johnn, yes, coming through loud and clear to me at the moment.
ANRB :  AOR AR8000 : Icom R-7000 : Icom IC-R9000 : JRC NRD-545 : OptoElectronics Digital Scout and OptoLinx Interface; Realistic Pro-2005 : UBC 800XLT - listed in alphabetical order, not cost, preference, performance or entertainment value!


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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2010, 06:49:57 PM »
Okay Thanks for that CoastGuardJon, Must be something wrong here then.
Johnn -


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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2010, 07:28:10 PM »
For the sake of completeness of this “Great aviation websites” thread, I have added good sites posted on other threads recently:
* Pilot’s view of live aircraft over Portugal using Google Earth -
* UK Aviation Frequency Database -

Secondly, I was hoping forum members could contribute websites where daily ADS-B logs are posted (along with the region). Whilst libhomeradar does this to some extent, it no longer shows general aviation.

Here’s a few examples.

Europe wide -
South Wales -
Glasgow - (go to SBS-logs)
UK (midlands)

Can others think of anymore?

Regarding my question on websites where daily ADS-B logs are posted, can people add any they know to this thread? cheers.


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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2010, 02:22:07 AM »
PS Airnav support - Can we sticky this topic for future users to easily find.


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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2010, 09:35:19 AM »
Here's one I found today listing worldwide airline route changes (& the ability to search by location)...

9 nm south of LGW


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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2010, 09:47:10 AM »
Regarding my question on websites where daily ADS-B logs are posted, can people add any they know to this thread? cheers.

There's an area on the Radarspotters website ( where daily logs, mostly RadarBox ones, are posted.

Here's an extract from the latest one:

Report generated by AirNav RadarBox 2010 - 3.13
Advanced Real-time Radar Decoder

Log Author: ******
Location: ****
Country: ***********

Generated at 2010-02-03 00:00:01 UTC
Valid for 2010-02-03
4594 Flights Logged

   Mode S  Flight   Route           Regist  Airc  Airline              Date and Time       
   34260F  IBE3548  LEMD-EDDT                                          2010/02/02 17:05:52 
 * 3F84BC  GAF614                                                      2010/02/02 07:02:20 
 * 3F8684  GAFK91                                                      2010/02/02 16:30:40 
 * 3F8934  GAF0690                                                     2010/02/02 12:44:53 
 * 3F8934  GAF695                                                      2010/02/02 15:25:59 
   3F978A                                                              2010/02/02 14:53:42 
   3F978A  GAF607                                                      2010/02/02 06:08:40 
   424956  SBI900   EDDF-UUDD                                          2010/02/02 14:31:20 
   424965  VQBGS                                                       2010/02/02 03:39:25 
 * 44046E  OEIGG                                                       2010/02/02 14:11:33 
 * 44226F                                                              2010/02/02 08:18:08 
 * 445DF2  FIST21                                                      2010/02/02 16:02:32 
   44F024                                                              2010/02/02 17:58:35 
   44F024  MACE91                                                      2010/02/02 13:03:17 
   44F0E0                                                              2010/02/02 12:47:45 
   44F0E7  MACE94                                                      2010/02/02 12:57:16 
   44F102  TIGER94                                                     2010/02/02 18:00:34 
   44F107  MACE93                                                      2010/02/02 12:55:32 
   44F142  TIGER74                                                     2010/02/02 17:58:00 
   44F147  TIGER93                                                     2010/02/02 17:59:46 
   44F187                                                              2010/02/02 17:57:27 
   44F189  MACE79                                                      2010/02/02 10:59:27 
   4A91D8  SAS2624  EDDL-ESSA                                          2010/02/02 17:39:27 
   4CA839  BCS1239                                                     2010/02/02 23:51:03 
   4CA839  BCS6367                                                     2010/02/02 03:13:44 
 * 503FD3                                                              2010/02/02 10:35:05 
   710071  SVA161   OERK-OEJN-LFPG                                     2010/02/02 07:50:37 
 * 800418                                                              2010/02/02 06:13:53 
 * 8961DC  DUB014                                                      2010/02/02 10:19:33 
   AE220C                                                              2010/02/02 15:19:28 
   477FF2  BRK99                    02      ...   Austria - Air Force  2010/02/02 13:10:05 
   AE1197  RCH262                   03-3114 C17   USA - Air Force      2010/02/02 06:30:04 
   AE1199  RCH225                   03-3116 C17   USA - Air Force      2010/02/02 14:24:48 
   AE1458  RCH033                   06-6154 C17   United States Air... 2010/02/02 18:06:19 
   AE1460  RCH205                   06-6162 C17   United States Air... 2010/02/02 12:29:06 
   AE146E  RCH479                   07-7176 BC-A  USA - Air Force      2010/02/02 23:04:58

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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2010, 10:45:31 AM »
There's an area on the Radarspotters website ( where daily logs, mostly RadarBox ones, are posted.

All very well, but they don't seem to want to accept any new members at the moment.  2 days trying to register, filling out questionnaires, etc.  They seem totally paranoid.

If you want military logs, the best I've found are on in the ModeS Logs section.


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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2010, 11:20:54 AM »
All very well, but they don't seem to want to accept any new members at the moment.  2 days trying to register, filling out questionnaires, etc.  They seem totally paranoid.

That seems very strange, looking at their stats they've had 15 new members in the last week alone, although none approved so far today so maybe their admin is having a day off ?
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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2010, 11:40:41 AM »
That seems very strange, looking at their stats they've had 15 new members in the last week alone, although none approved so far today so maybe their admin is having a day off ?

Well, they were around to send me a long questionnaire, which I sent back yesterday.  I've never know a forum that needs to know so much before they'll let you register!!

As part of our continuing development we selectively approach new members to understand more about their interests.  If you could answer the following questions it would be much appreciated:

1.       Where are you located; Nearest town, which country?
2.       Do you use a ModeS Receiver   Yes/No
3.       If Yes, which make and model?
4.       How long have you had it?
5.       If you don't have a ModeS Receiver, which one might you get?
6.       Do you think the Kinetic SBS-1 is better than the AirNav RadarBox or vice versa?  What about the new Aurora Eurotech receiver and software?
7.       Which is the best product?  Please explain why one may be better than the other.
8.       What do you think about the two suppliers?  Do they offer good or bad support?  Do they over promote their products?
9.       What about the supplier forums?  Which is best and why?
10.   Do you share data?   Yes/No
11.   If Yes, how?  AirNav, PlanePlotter or a Basestation private network?
12.   Where did you hear about Radarspotters?
13.   What do you think is the best feature on Radarspotters?  What can be improved?
14.   Do you know anyone who is already a Radarspotters member and if so, what is the UserName?
15.   Finally, what other hobbies do you have?
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 11:42:36 AM by JoJo »


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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2010, 11:58:42 AM »
Well, they were around to send me a long questionnaire, which I sent back yesterday.  I've never know a forum that needs to know so much before they'll let you register!!

OK, I take your point.

They certainly weren't asking all those questions when I joined last year, otherwise they would have MYOB as my answer to most of them ...

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Re: Sharing great aviation websites
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2010, 12:11:16 PM »
The last one:
16: I request in order that you give us your...

I'm joking of course