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Author Topic: Loss of MyLog Data after power failure  (Read 3800 times)

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Loss of MyLog Data after power failure
« on: January 23, 2010, 04:41:18 AM »

First time poster here.  I've had the radarbox for a year now and everything is working fine (I'm running ver 3.13) , but today I noticed after the system shut down due to a power failure that upon restarting the rb software I had lost all the flight data for the past week in the MyLog.db3 database.  Is there any way to recover the data?  I see there is a MyLog.db3.bak file in the data subdirectory - would I be able to recover the data by renaming the file to MyLog.db3 and re-starting the application?

I've had this problem before but had only lost the current and previous day's flights never a whole week.  Has anyone else had this problem?  Thanks for any help that anyone out there could provide.

Thanks and Regards,
Bill Wellman
Sharpsburg, MD.

PS - I highly recommend the DPD productions antenna.  I have it mounted on my roof with no pre-am and I am regulary getting ADSB contacts over 200nm away


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Re: Loss of MyLog Data after power failure
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2010, 07:59:06 PM »
I had a similar problem yesterday, but I only lost about 4 hours worth of data. My laptop restarted itself after an automatic update. When I re-opened the ANRB software, only the first 2 hours of a 6 hour logging session were available in My Log. Have tried renaming the back-up file etc but no luck. Guess the recordings have just disappeared into the ether! Darn annoying though!
Aussie John


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Re: Loss of MyLog Data after power failure
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2010, 02:04:47 PM »

I reported this situation a while back.  There must be a way of saving data without doing an exit.  I now exit each day - when I remember.

Dudley Baker
[email protected]
Valiant, Victor, Shackelton, Canberra, VC10, Tornado Typhoon 737 747 A320 A300 Engineer.


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Re: Loss of MyLog Data after power failure
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2010, 03:29:23 PM »
Radarbox should be saving data to MyLog as it goes along.  Mine does.  I check by running a daily report, and the entries are there in MyLog, without having to shutdown Radarbox.  I do wonder if there's a problem with the way database updates are being commited by ANRB.

Is there a common theme among those seeing this problem?  Does your MyLog.db3-journal file get very large (>20KB), without database commits taking place?  Do you open the database outside of Radarbox (using SQL, for example), whilst Radarbox is running?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 04:45:09 PM by tarbat »