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Author Topic: Displaying 2 pictures ensures aircraft / flight data displays  (Read 3771 times)

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Bell 407

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Displaying 2 pictures ensures aircraft / flight data displays
« on: August 29, 2010, 08:24:22 AM »
Hi All,

It is an interesting anomaly with RB that when I display 2 pictures for a selected aircraft that this action itself corrects the display of data fields next to the picture fields. See attached image.

Let me explain in more detail:

Down here in SA we do not get the regular ADSB aircraft that most enjoy in Europe and the USA so our databases often require that we "troll" through the interwed looking for correct aircraft information as well as pictures.

Now, on some aircraft I have only been able to find one picture which is saved to the database. But when I highlight this aircraft on the My Flight list, to display its data next to the pictures, sometimes that data is incorrect. Sometimes an old company name is listed or the serial number is not displayed. However, the correct data is displayed when you explore the database for that aircraft.

But as soon as I made a duplicate picture of the aircraft and saved it as ZS-ABC,2 and displayed it, all the correct flight and aircraft information was displayed.

So, may I make a suggestion for a future upgrade that RD could look at coding some sort of programming to automatically display an actual default picture as per my attached example to ensure that the above described anomaly does not persist. Example of the file names could be NO-PIC and NO-PIC,2.

In my attached example I have added a blank picture which will force the system to display the correct flight and aircraft information BUT ALSO remind me to keep a look out for a 2nd picture to complete my database of photos.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Runway 31

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Re: Displaying 2 pictures ensures aircraft / flight data displays
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2010, 08:54:46 AM »
We have been asking for that for some time, maybe Airnav will get round to that in a future update.

BTW I was able to add 6 aircraft to the database using the hex codes on your jpeg.


Bell 407

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Re: Displaying 2 pictures ensures aircraft / flight data displays
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2010, 09:05:02 AM »
Hey Alan,

Glad you could use some of my data. If you are interested in updating some more SA stuff, have a look at our SA RadarBox Forum under Resources and then either Master Database or MyLog.



Runway 31

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Re: Displaying 2 pictures ensures aircraft / flight data displays
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2010, 09:16:49 AM »
Cheers Marc, I wil have a look and make use of the info.
