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Author Topic: Potential new user  (Read 5792 times)

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phil zech

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Potential new user
« on: February 24, 2008, 09:21:02 AM »
Good day to you all,

I am 99% certain to purchase ANRB in the near future, a couple of questions though.

1. From my south facing window, west in right and east is left.  In there a function that will enable me to view what I see from my window is mirrored on my laptop. West is right of screen and East is left of screen. Hope this makes sense.

I can see both arrivals and departures from MAN. (5 miles away)

2. Can Flight Tracker be loaded onto 2 lap tops, one for home use and one for on the move use.

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards

Phil Zech

PS. If there is anyone in the Manchester area who has ANRB and would'nt be adverse to showing it to me in action, please let me know. Cheers


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Re: Potential new user
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 10:09:27 AM »
Hi Phil,

Welcome to the forum!

In answer to your questions, RadarBox always displays North at the top of the screen, just like a real radar display.  There is no way of changing this, but I have never found it to be a problem.  With all RadarBox users having the same setup, it makes it easier to find traffic when it is talked about on the forum - and remember, you will be seeing traffic on RadarBox much further than you can see by eye!

When you ask about Flight Tracker, I presume you mean the RadarBox software?  You can install this on as many computers as you like, but you will only be able to see live and network traffic (when you are connected to the internet) when the RadarBox hardware (receiver) is plugged into your computer.  However, you can view recorded sessions which is good for demonstrating to other people when you don't have the RadarBox hardware with you.

I use my main PC at home with an internet connection, then use the laptop when I'm away from home.

I hope that this answers your questions.

All the best


P.S. Phil, I'm in Shrewsbury but I can post some more screenshots if you like - I already have some in the Screenshot section of the forum.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2008, 10:11:57 AM by Allocator »


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Re: Potential new user
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 11:47:01 AM »
Hi Phil,
          If you re interested I am doing an ANRB Demonstration at Manchester Airport Viewing Park shop on the 15 th of March and I can show you what a fantastic piece of kit it is !

Flybe Crew on the Dash 8 Q400  Embraer 175
and Embraer 195


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Re: Potential new user
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 12:22:26 PM »
OK, very good. So some flighttrackedinfected friends of mine can download the software from this page and I can send them the recorded file as email?

Regards Walter


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Re: Potential new user
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2008, 12:34:32 PM »
OK, very good. So some flighttrackedinfected friends of mine can download the software from this page and I can send them the recorded file as email?

Regards Walter

I think that might work - I don't think that the program install requires the hardware.  You would need the full version though, not just the V1.3 beta upgrade that is posted here.