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Author Topic: Major Announcement  (Read 31332 times)

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Re: Major Announcement
« Reply #45 on: June 03, 2010, 09:37:12 AM »
A major announcement will be made next week and every RadarBox user will be proud of using it.

Did anyone seriously believe it (the announcement) would be of any benefit to us as users?

Come on guys get real!

The use of "proud to use it" immediately made it more than obvious to me that an announcement of this ilk was on the cards,and that it no way would be concerning some major addition to the boxes capabilities.

I personally don't feel mis-led at all?

Irrespective of what we think, it's a nice little pr jaunt for AirNav




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Re: Major Announcement
« Reply #46 on: June 03, 2010, 10:06:08 AM »
Now, what would make me proud of using the Radar Box would be a database that's accurate.


If you take a look at other threads, it's obvious that a lot of hard work and commitment by some of the forum members is leading towards this.

I personally have attempted to keep everyone aware of the progress being made to this end.

As a team, we are however restricted to tailor our work in line with other committments Development have, however I can assure you we are making good progress and are regularly in communication with AirNav to facilitate the best way of achieving this.

Changes made to the AirNav central database are currently "live" and should be picked up by everyone "on line" - I do believe though that some overview as to the technicalities of the process involved to enable users to see this is required from AirNav?

We have also asked for feedback from the forum regarding errors /anomalies/blanks etc being pulled up from the database, but this appears to have gone almost un-noticed, with only a handful of forum members offering information.

There has been serious debate around the database issue on the forum ,almost continuously for as long as I've been a member, and whilst I'm not advocating that relying on the Database Updating team is everyones best solution, it is at present the only method of getting anywhere!

Can I also stress, that as a team (at present) we are not looking into route/flight ID information

Hope this keeps you in the picture




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Re: Major Announcement
« Reply #47 on: June 03, 2010, 10:37:57 AM »
Hi Marpleman.
After reading the airnav statement i would have to agree with you, there is nothing
to say anything about upgrade, it says "proud to use it" looks like i read it wrong sorry.
But all credit to airnav and their sales team for such a big promotional catch and a great sales pitch.
All the best from pat.

A major announcement will be made next week and every RadarBox user will be proud of using it.

Did anyone seriously believe it (the announcement) would be of any benefit to us as users?

Come on guys get real!

The use of "proud to use it" immediately made it more than obvious to me that an announcement of this ilk was on the cards,and that it no way would be concerning some major addition to the boxes capabilities.

I personally don't feel mis-led at all?

Irrespective of what we think, it's a nice little pr jaunt for AirNav




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Re: Major Announcement
« Reply #48 on: June 03, 2010, 10:48:42 AM »
Now, what would make me proud of using the Radar Box would be a database that's accurate.


Can I also stress, that as a team (at present) we are not looking into route/flight ID information



Can you please tell me why not?  To the Joe Average like me this is quite an important element of the database.


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Re: Major Announcement
« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2010, 10:58:08 AM »
Now, what would make me proud of using the Radar Box would be a database that's accurate.


Can I also stress, that as a team (at present) we are not looking into route/flight ID information



Can you please tell me why not?  To the Joe Average like me this is quite an important element of the database.

Hi Southwest

Understand your frustrations, however we have only taken onboard the actual aircraft/operator information ,by default I suppose!.

The route/flight ID stuff was never on the Updating Team's agenda, and to be honest ,the task with just the aircraft data is more than enough to be dealing with at this time.

Maybe AirNav could comment on this ,as again I'm only giving my perspective?



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Re: Major Announcement
« Reply #50 on: June 03, 2010, 11:13:10 AM »
I think many people have this thinking that the databases should be 100% accurate and are simple to have. That case is far from the truth.

Regarding the Aircraft database, we were using GAS and to keep this updated and we have now moved onto a group of database updaters who are going through the database correcting data. The issue here is once the database is in a good state, how to get this updated with new updates using the existing software. This is being worked on and we understand there are issues here.

Routes database, we joined up with FlightStats to provide this information to our database. However this is not simple as certain low cost carriers don't have easy lookups which cause issues and it becomes a manual process to add these. The route database will be refreshed soon on our central server. Just like above we are looking into ways these can be updated locally on your machine in a better way.

Both databases above change rapidly, new routes appear and new aircraft/change of company occur daily and these are not easy to keep up with when you have 100,000+ aircraft to deal with. This is not a simple task and I hope you understand that.

We would also like to put this in perspective with other manufactures. To our knowledge no other ADS-B receiver manufacture takes on this task, they do not provide routes database or aircraft database which update. Using those you need to use add-on software which have no guarantee they will be around in a future (in fact a few have already dropped off causing issues to those running those receivers)

We are also the only receiver which runs a network for ADS-B aircraft where you don’t have accept terms that the network may be removed at anytime in the future.

The latest announcement is a big step for RadarBox and will affect customers as the project will increase development and new avenues may arise.

We hope that explains a few questions.
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Re: Major Announcement
« Reply #51 on: June 03, 2010, 11:53:34 AM »
Thanks for the explanation.

Just going back to your comment about no other ADS-B manaufacturer and routes and databases.  That was one of the points that 'sold' me on the RB, it would be a shame if this area of the database wasn't moved up the priority list in the future.

I hope some of the cash you got from Boeing will enable you to make big strides in other areas of development.