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Author Topic: 'Share Flight Data' Preference setting  (Read 9954 times)

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'Share Flight Data' Preference setting
« on: June 17, 2008, 02:27:39 PM »
A question regarding the Preferences->RadarBox->Share Flight Data option on the AirNav RadarBox 2008 software.

I am feeding the Mode S data as tracks into our Command and Control system as a source of almost live data. The C2 system is classified and so both it and the computer running the RadarBox software and interfacing to the hardware are on an internal network, not connected to the internet.

I find that with the Share Flight Data option on, the disk thrashes roughly every 2 seconds and the application itself slows right down. There is no network to share the data with, so I select don't share flight data and the disk thrashing stops and the application is much more responsive.

My problem is that when I restart the RadarBox software, this preference hasn't been remembered, unlike the rest of the settings, so I have to remember to unset it each time (the disk thrashing helps remind me to do it). Is this forgetfulness intentional and, if so, why?

Many thanks.


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Re: 'Share Flight Data' Preference setting
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2008, 02:39:35 PM »
The share flight data option is not remembered when you restart RadarBox.

The performance hit when running RB without an internet connection has been covered in detail in the forum and it was more of a problem with the early versions of the software.  What version are you using?

As to why RB doesn't remember the Share setting, your guess is as good as mine.  If it was me selling RB, I would prefer that users have Share Data selected :-)  In fact, as a user I would prefer that Share is on as a default setting too, so that I can see other peoples data!



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Re: 'Share Flight Data' Preference setting
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2008, 03:27:23 PM »
Thanks for the prompt reply.

I realise that sharing data is better, but the majority of Microsoft Windows based software treats preferences as something to be remembered between runs. As a software developer involved in Human Computer Interface (HCI) design, it just doesn't fit the standard model and is illogical.

I'm using ANRB15 which I downloaded when I bought my kit.

Thanks again.

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Re: 'Share Flight Data' Preference setting
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2008, 03:44:21 PM »
Hi FarnboroughUser,

We understand the HCI design. This is not a mistake and is done so we do have data shared on the network. If you are not connected to the internet it should indentify this and stop trying to connect. If this is not happening this is a bug and we will look into it again.

We personally feel if you are connected to the internet you should have no reason not to share data unless your local laws stop you. We understand that there are users out there who untick the box after being told by freinds it will slow your net access, less secure which are totally wrong.

You are not the first to bring this up and we have had a discussion about it on the forum.
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Re: 'Share Flight Data' Preference setting
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2008, 03:46:15 PM »

OK, all noted.  I guess that this is an issue for AirNav to consider.

You have the latest version of RB - V15, so no issues there.

Your work sounds very interesting.  I haven't been to Farnborough since I attended the show about 6 years ago.  The time before that was with the Air Cadets in 1972, looking around the AAIB hangar.  We also had a nice 3 hour flight in Comet XV814 :-)


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Re: 'Share Flight Data' Preference setting
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2008, 03:52:12 PM »
Thanks for the reply, AirNav.

My (admittedly minor) issue was only with the preference not being remembered not with why it should default to true. My comments about being illogical stem from the fact that an operator (i.e. me) cannot tell which of the fields in the preference window will continue across an application restart and which will not, and that leads to confusion (as it did with me - "I'm sure I unset that last time, didn't I?"), which is what good HCI design tries to avoid.

I'm definitely getting both performance and disk issues when it is on when connected to a network but with no internet connection.


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Re: 'Share Flight Data' Preference setting
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2008, 03:56:21 PM »

The Air Show village is being constructed and is almost ready.

The number of virtual smokers who hang around in the work carpark during the airshow week increases dramatically.

One of my favourite memories of a few years ago was standing against the rope just a couple of hundred yards from the runway when Concorde took off. The noise could be felt deep inside your whole body and was truely phenomenal; a fantastic memory.


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Re: 'Share Flight Data' Preference setting
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2008, 04:03:43 PM »
I'm glad someone else finds the preferences issue illogical.  Yes, we did have a discussion about this in an earlier thread, and I believe the concensus was that it would make more sense if preferences were saved across discrete uses of the programme.

Go around, I say again go around...

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Re: 'Share Flight Data' Preference setting
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2008, 04:10:12 PM »
Unfortunately we overruled it :)

That should be the only item in prefrences which does not hold.
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