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Author Topic: RadarBox Airband FlightStick VHF / RadarBox ADS-B FlightStick 978 MHZ and Win 10  (Read 12866 times)

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All, some help needed.  I have the original Radarbox that plugs by USB into a Windows 10 system and have been sharing data for years. I recently purchased both the 978 MHz stick - Red - for General Aviation as well as the VHF stick - Yellow - with the intent of seeing and hearing ALL of the air-related traffic in my area. My first goal is to see and hear for myslef. . . My second goal is to share the information.  My third goal was to relocate all three antenna to a hire, better location, but that is now on hold due to winter and that face that I have not been able to make the Red or Yellow sticks work.  Here the issue and question is there and easy method to make the sticks work on a Windows 10 machine?  That's what I want - not a Raspberry Pi.  I have tried almost everything, burning through several man-hours of effort.  Does anyone have a solution that they can send me ( My personal email address is maurice@maurice-mitchell DOT com) Or - - if I must use a Raspberry Pi, can some one send me all of the stuff already installed on a SD card? 

I am not a fan of the Pi beyond some basic uses and it is impossible to introduce a Pi into my work network, whereas I have more wiggle room with a laptop. 

If there is no way to make it work on a Windows 10 computer with a the RadarBox program, does anyone have any other programs or methods?

Runway 31

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I have no idea regarding the VHF and suggest that you address your query to [email protected], I do know however you will need to download and install SDR play software to use it

Regarding the 978 stick have you downloaded and installed the drivers for it from the Airnav website, I presume that they will be the same as the Flightstick drivers 

I dont know if the 978 stick works with the existing V6 Radarbox software which I presume you have installed as you feed from an original radarbox, you may need to use Radarbox24 to see your output from it, again I suggest that you ask support



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Downloaded, installed, rebooted. . . .no change on the red stick. . .

Runway 31

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And what did support advise, does it work with V6 or do you need to view on RB



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Hi Maurice,

My first goal is to see and hear for myslef
For VHF and 978, use zadig ( to install the correct driver.

Then go to "setup your device" - "windows PC" Done.

For 978 i don't knows who it works with radarbox v6, only raspberry.


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Did you see any change on the yellow one?


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Dude, I got the yellow antenna and the flight stick, how do I set them up? The support team responds too slowly!

Runway 31

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What o/s are you using it on?

See for instrctions for Pi or Windows

« Last Edit: November 01, 2023, 04:38:54 PM by Runway 31 »


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I can't get my unit to connect to the server.  does this file look correct.
THe device is sending adsb data to server so connection to Network is fine.

  type = "rtlsdr";
  serial = "00000040
  index = 2;
  gain = 28;
  correction = 0;
  mode = "scan";
        disable = false;
          #squelch = 35;  # Uncomment to set squelch manually
      freqs = ( 118700000, 121900000, 125700000 );
      labels = ( "KPHF Tower", "KPHF Ground", "KORF Approach" );
      outputs: (
          type = "icecast";
          server = "";
          port = 8000;
          mountpoint = "EXTVHF000462";
          name = "NN/Will Intl";
          genre = "ATC";
          username = "<>";
 password = "<pass>";
          send_scan_freq_tags = true;
                # If you need more outputs, put here
