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Author Topic: Cannot save map preferences on  (Read 15647 times)

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Cannot save map preferences on
« on: March 30, 2023, 03:43:08 PM »
I am an ADSB feeder, so I have a business account. When I log in to the web site, I always get the default map layout, with things like weather/airport viewing enabled, and all data in US format.

I can customize everything exactly as I want it, and it will remain that way as long as my session is active. However, I do not see anywhere on the site where I can "save preferences" so that when I log back in the configuration is as I want it and I don't have to repeat these steps unnecessarily.

Am I blind? Can someone please enlighten me how I can make these settings permanently tied to my account so they are set when I log in. The only selection box available to me is "Reset Preferences", which is the exact opposite of what I am looking for.

thanks very much

Runway 31

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Re: Cannot save map preferences on
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2023, 08:04:19 PM »
Do you have your computer set to delete cookies on closing down as that is the normal cause of what you are seeing

Try setting up as you like and then closing RB without closing down you computer.  Restart the app and it should be as you left it.  If so you know how to fix it, ie. keep cookies
