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Author Topic: RB running slow  (Read 5563 times)

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RB running slow
« on: July 05, 2008, 06:04:43 AM »
I have had my RB since March 2008, and I am still very happy with the set up. I have noticed lately that every mouse movement and drop down window takes forever to open and act upon.
This is also getting slower. I have re installed RB V1.5, still the same.
I have had a look at the files in Airnav\data there is a huge file called Navdata.db3, this is obviously a data base file of all the files logged. In my case this file is around 20M bytes.
As an experiment I removed this file from airnav into a temp folder and re ran the program.
All was back to normal, drop down windows open at correct speed, and clicked on commands work at correct speed.
I then check the navdata.db3 file and see this is now about 2kb in size.
But in next to no time it grows back to about 20Mb! Thus slowing the system down again.

I have had a look in the preferences to see if this file can be limited but can't find anything about it. I watched the Steve McQueen movie the other night called the "Blob". This file is the "Blob" it keeps growing. Great movie though!

Any advice would be appreciated. System here is Pentium 4. 3Ghz. 2Mb ram,  250Gb HDD.
Win XP pro, service pack 2.


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Re: RB running slow
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2008, 06:30:39 AM »

NavData.db3 is the main aircraft, registration, operator and route database that is autopopulated by RadarBox as you pick aircraft up.  This is the database that allows RB to show aircraft details.  When you deleted it, you would have ended up only Mode S and other details actually transmitted by the aircraft.  NavData.db3 fills in all the blanks - so you need this file.

My Navdat.db3 file is only 18,688kb, and I've been using RB for over 12 months now, so I don't see how yours is so big after such a short time.

MyLog.db3 is the log of all the aircraft you have received live via your antenna, and mine is over 54,000kb in size and this contains 2 years worth od data as I imported all my SBS-1 aircraft as well.  However, the size of MyLog.db3 does not affect the speed of the program.

Regarding the speed of your RB installation, are you running RB with an Internet connection?  You PC should easily be able to run RB.


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Re: RB running slow
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2008, 06:50:31 AM »
Hi Allocator
Well I have re instated the navdata.db3 file. I have been using the system with network ON whilst away from the computer leaving it running whilst out at work.
Looking at the system resources RB does not appear to be using much if anything significant at all.

I will look into this further, to try and find out what is happening. Of course it could also be something in the back ground nothing to do with RB.

Many thanks for your promt reply.



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Re: RB running slow
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2008, 09:59:54 AM »
I've had similar problems ever since I purchased my RadarBox, and have mentioned it on various related threads in this forum.  It can be really sluggish and unresponsive, and the dropdown menus often seem to take ages to appear when clicked on.  There's nothing else running, it's a very powerful machine with loads of RAM.  never really received a satisfactory answer via these forums, so I suppose I'll have to live with it.  I really only use the Radarbox as a visual guide to what's going on in the air around me - not interested in logging, spotting or the like.  I suppose I can just turn all these features off and have just the map window display without recording aircraft instances?

Go around, I say again go around...


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Re: RB running slow
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2008, 01:19:51 PM »
Yes I agree, I have run a complete system check here( 2 hours of a job) nothing found.
Going back to my original test, removing the navdata.db3 file makes the program run as it did when first installed.

Not a real issue with me. I will happily live with it, I just wondered if there was a know issue and solution.



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Re: RB running slow
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2008, 02:36:50 PM »
I just wondered if there was a know issue and solution.
One known issue that can cause RB to run slow is having an intermittent internet connection (or no connection), and having "Share Flight Data" ticked in preferences.  AFAIK, this is fixed in v1.6 beta.