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Author Topic: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003  (Read 18893 times)

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Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« on: August 12, 2023, 11:04:18 PM »
Purchased AirNav Radarbox ADS-B Receiver and Antenna kit.  Have used receiver (green dongle) and antenna successfully with other applications like dump1090 and VRS, running on multiple Windows 10 Pro machines.  Highly technical software engineer by training/trade, for a little background.  Installed RadarBox software V 6.02.003 and setup the data feeder to Radarbox site successfully.  Have (had) been sharing flight data for a little while now (EXTSHA197201), but just discontinued moments ago due to ongoing issues with RadarBox software.  Newb to posting on forums, so please forgive any missteps, but wanted to reach out for assistance before calling it quits.

Current issues:
-- Top menu bar stops working/reacting after some period of time (undetermined ~ days).  Upon clicking, the options of [File|Filters|Map|Tools|Window|Help] get the typical selection halo, but do NOT dropdown the related submenu.  The only way to resolve this issue has been to restart the software, thereby killing the flight data feed to RadarBox and requiring complete reset of my receiver/computer setup (see below).  Is there any way to clear this issue without restarting everything?

-- I am using various SDR receivers from RTL_SDR, SDRPlay, AirSpy, etc., so there are multiples SDR devices connected to my machine at any given time, along with the RadarBox (green) dongle.  The RadarBox application will NOT find the dongle, unless it is the ONLY dongle connected to the mahine.  Saw one other post that mentioned what appeared to be a command line option (--device <serial>), but that did not work.  Does not seem to have any command line options for ANRB.exe.  The only fix thus far requires removing all other dongles, inserting RadarBox dongle, starting RadarBox software, then reinserting other SDR's, restarting all other applications/servers.  This is unacceptable, since I will be running these machines in remote locations and will not always have physical access.  Are there any command line parameters or a config file, XML, etc. that would allow me to specify your RadarBox dongle by device index or serial?

-- Also, a bit confused regarding whether or not to use the standard WinUSB driver installed via Zadig OR to use the drivers through your downloadable package.  Have tried both methods, but cannot seem to figure out how to install your drivers for your procuct.  For a brief moment, I saw RadarBox device show up in Device Manager, but it's gone again.  Again, general confusion regarding which drivers I should be using.

-- Lastly (for now) the software is extremely outdated and sluggish, even with network flights switched off.  Are there any plans to update this app, or better yet to replace it with a more modern version?

Any help you could offer would be appreciated.  Thanks for patience with my first ever post.

Best regards,


« Last Edit: August 16, 2023, 05:31:37 PM by [email protected] »

Runway 31

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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2023, 01:01:23 PM »
I suspect that you need to serialise the dongles as if you have more than one dongle it gets grabbed by one service and makes it not usable by other services, have you serialised your dongles?  abcd has posted details on the forum but I cannot find it as this time but a quick Google found this which should help

Where did you load V6 to on your computer, dont use a program files location as this can cause issues, install to somewhere like c\:Airnav as this can cause issues.  The Airnav or Zadig drivers can be used in fact the Airnav drivers are compiled from Zadig

The sluggishness is not usually an issue unless the network flights are enabled.  Having 10,000 flights changing every 20 seconds is very intensive. 

I dont believe there is any intention to updated the V6 software as Airnav prefer the feed to radarbox.  The version you are using 6.00.03 was altered to connect to the xrange receivers at users requests and other than that it has not had any work done in around 10 years


« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 01:07:28 PM by Runway 31 »


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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2023, 03:38:05 PM »
Yes, all RTL_SDR dongles were already serialzed to 01, 02, 03, ... but per the link you suggested, I have adjusted them all to 101, 102, 103, ...  This change has had no affect on the launching of RadarBox application.  With the AirNav dongle loaded as device 0 and 3 additional dongles connected, the RadarBox application will still not find the AirNav dongle.

I have attached a screenshot of the rtl_test of device 0 (AirNav), also showing three additional dongles connected.  I have left all of the default AirNav dongle settings for serial, product, etc. alone, so it's serial # is 00000010.

Is there any way to configure RadarBox software regarding which dongle to use?
Should I switch to an older version of the software?
Should I load different drivers for the AirNav dongle?
Should I try changing the AirNav serial to 0 or 1?

Please help.


Runway 31

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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2023, 08:22:04 PM »
As you have already noted in your first post the dongle and the software work correctly if only it is inserted so it proves that there is nothing wrong with either so nothing to do with drivers and more to do with the serialization of the dongles

This part of the provided link may offer a clue

2.2 - Best way to identify a dongle
When using 2 dongles and 2 decoders (1090 & 978), the best way to identify dongles is to identify these by serial number. This considts of following two steps:

2. 2.1 - Change factory assigned default number
In both dongles, change 00000000, by two different 8-digit serial numers. For example, one dongle is given number 0000011 or 00000101, and the other 00000012 or 00000102.

(a) Please do NOT use serial numbers 00000000, 00000001, or 00000002, 00000003 etc, as it will conflict with device numbers 0, 1, 2, 3.

(b) Do not assign a two or three digit number like 14 or 112. Instead use its 8-digit version 00000014 or 00000112.

I dont believe you can configure the V6 software and it all needs to be done with command line stating which serial number dongle should be used but as stated I dont have the required knowledge so hopefully abcd may join the thread

I am a user of the software but do not have the knowledge to go any deeper so i cannot help much further

« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 08:24:06 PM by Runway 31 »


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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2023, 10:34:54 PM »
So, what device/serial number is RadarBox software actually looking for ????  I would have assumed it is looking for either 1) the first device listed/registered on the system or 2) the device serial number "00000010" which was the default assigned by RadarBox to the Flightstick.

As shown in my prior screenshot, all dongles including MicroRB have a seperate 8 bit serial number (i.e. 00000010, 00000101, 00000102, 00000103, etc.).  I have even removed all but two (2) of the dongles, leaving the MicroRB and a single RTL SDR connected, but Radarbox still refuses to find the MircoRB unless it is the ONLY dongle attached to the system.

Your reply speaks as if there is a command line option that would allow the user to specify the preferred device to use, but I have been unable to locate any hints, clues or documenation to suggest what command line options RadarBox uses, if any.

Most, if not all, of the other SDR software, decoders, applications, etc. I have worked with allow for the selection of a specific device, whether by command line switch OR via the application's GUI.  I find it surprising that RadarBox offers no such option.

Also, back to one of my initial questions about the menu system...  Is there any fix for the top menu bar that locks up randomly and refuses to respond barring restart?  Again, I have found no other supporting documentation regarding this issue, aside from a brief mention by another user many, many years ago, suggesting it would be corrected in a future release.  It wasn't...

Thanks, Doug

Runway 31

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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2023, 01:43:59 PM »

I have stated that I have little knowledge on the subject of renumbering dongles, i am a user with little actual software knowledge but as you stated yourself if you leave only the ADSB dongle and start up, it works so there is nothing wrong with the dongle or the software.  This would appear to me to suggest that the computer requires to distinguish which dongle is to be used with what software, I have no idea how that is done, again it is over my head as I am not a programmer

However taken from the same link I gave previously, in Linux when using two dongles renumbered to 00001090 for ADSB dongle and 00000978 for UAT978 dongle you have to tell the software which to use as below, no idea how it is done for Windows but would suggest that using Command Line would be the only option

Do I need to use piaware-config to tell piaware the serial numbers of each dongle so it can claim them properly when plugged in at the same time?

Yes, you have to tell piaware the serial numbers, as shown in quote below from QuickStat Guide (you should read the guide in full).

sudo piaware-config uat-receiver-type sdr
sudo piaware-config rtlsdr-device-index 00001090 
sudo piaware-config uat-sdr-device driver=rtlsdr,serial=00000978 

# Reboot Pi to implement configuration settings
sudo reboot

What do you mean the top menu locking up, do you mean the top line with File/Filters/Map etc or what?

Does this occur with Get Flights From Radarbox Network ticked on the Network tab or does it occur all the time, if its the former untick Get Flights from the Radarbox Network.  I have not noted this in 13 years using the software but as network tab being ticked causes a heavy workload while the 10,000 or so plots are processed this may well be the cause of what you experience

Did you install  to the the root c;\ Airnav or program files.  If program files uninstall and install as advised to C:\Airnav

I would also suggest you use the previous version as 6.00.03 was altered to be used with xrange and Pi based receivers

I would also add that while the V6 software has plenty of users, there has been no product support for many years apart from the daily database updates and new logos etc provided by users such as myself


« Last Edit: August 14, 2023, 02:30:48 PM by Runway 31 »


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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2023, 05:30:31 PM »
Hi Alan,

Thanks for your assistance, it is truly appreciated.  I understand some of these questions are beyond your scope.  Apologies for any frustration I may have shown.  It's just unfortunate (IMO) that RadarBox is is still advertising and selling their products as worthwhile options, while no longer supporting/updating their accompanying software.

In response to your recent reply:

RadarBox Version:  I uninstalled version "6.02.003" and replaced it with the version linked in your most recent response "6.01.001".  I avoided the "Program Files" default location for the install, placed it in folder for Everyone/Full Control, so should be no user rights issues.  This older version seems a bit more stable, flight level display now showing below the map (was not working in newer version), menu has not locked up yet (good sign) so hoping that is resolved, but still cannot start ANRB with multiple dongles installed (main issue).

Menu locking up: From my initial post... Top menu bar stops working/reacting after some period of time (undetermined ~ days).  Upon clicking, the options of [File|Filters|Map|Tools|Window|Help] get the typical selection halo, but do NOT dropdown the related submenu. 

Menu lockup is NOT related to network flights, as I have had that turned off since the very beginnig after realizing how it caused the interface to stop responding altoghether.  Again, waiting to see if the version change back to older version has resolved the menu lockup issue.  Fingers crossed...

Tools Menu Options: The menu options for Network Locations/Stats/Account Info do not work. They each attempt to load a URL that has since been changed on the site.  There does not seem to be any way to change these options to target the correct URL.  I've attached a screenshot of the error message when selecting "Network Stats" from the Tools menu.  Again, seems like this should be an editable option or should have been handled internally by RadarBox.  Not asking for help on this, just pointing it out.  Will assume this is just permantely broken when they changed page locations on the website.

Selecting Specific Receiver -- I'm running Windows 10, so unless someone at the RadarBox end can tell me otherwise, I will assume that for the Windows environment there are NO command line or GUI options for receiver selection. That's surprising and will probably cause me to stop using ANRB altogether, unless/until I decide to dedicate an entire remote station to nothing but the ANRB device/setup.  Not feasible at this time.

Thanks again for your assistance, will consider this concluded.  Have an awesome day!

Best regards,



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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2023, 03:52:32 AM »

Install following 2 software on your Windows10 as an alternate to ANRB ver 6.02.003 software.

(1) RB24DataShare120Setup.exe


The RB24DataShare receives data in msg format at port 30003 from a decoder, logs-in to user's RB24 account using email & Pasword, and sends data to RB24

The modesdeco2 is a decoder, selects the dongle whose serial number is specified in the  RUN.bat file, and outputs decoded data in msg format at port 30003 for use by RB24DataShare feeder software.

Unzip the downloaded zip file
Enter the unzipped folder. You will see many files, one of these will be RUN.bat.
Open this file by Notepad. You will see the content of this file as below:

@echo off
cmd /c modesdeco2.exe --gain 49.6 --web 8686 --beast 30005 --msg 30003 --avr 30002 --sbs10001 10001

Since you have serialized the ANRB FlightStick dongle as 00000010, in above file, as shown in red below, add --device-serial 0000010 to make it select dongle with serial number 00000010

@echo off
cmd /c modesdeco2.exe --device-serial 0000010 --gain 49.6 --web 8686 --beast 30005 --msg 30003 --avr 30002 --sbs10001 10001

Now run the modesdeco2 by double-clicking the file RUN.bat. This will open Windows Powershell, and decoder will start outputting data on port 30003 for RadarBox24DataSharer to use it.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2023, 05:50:27 AM by abcd567 »

Runway 31

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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2023, 12:07:31 PM »
Many thanks abcd.  For your information I have now joined the club and got myself a Pi 4B.  Got it up and running in no time added the RB Feeder, mlat client etc and had it online in around 30 minutes



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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2023, 03:31:39 PM »
Many thanks abcd.  For your information I have now joined the club and got myself a Pi 4B.  Got it up and running in no time added the RB Feeder, mlat client etc and had it online in around 30 minutes




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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2023, 09:06:55 PM »
I used ModeSDeco2 to list DVBT dongls connected to my Windows10 computer by moving into folder containing file modesdeco2.exe, and running Windows command prompt following command

  ./modesdeco2.exe --device-list

Please see the attached screenshots


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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2023, 11:27:46 PM »
Many thanks abcd and Alan! 

I downloaded and installed per instructions.  Had everything back up and running in under 5 min.  Great alternative to the RadarBox desktop application/GUI.  The web interface to my station is more robust anyway and being able to select appropriate dongle/serial remotely via command line keeps me from having to go "hands on" with the remote machine for adjusting, rebooting, etc.  Problem(s) solved!!

Quick follow up questions... 
1) Can this same combo of apps (modesdeco2 & RB24 DataSharer) be used to setup additional RB stations in other locations with NON-radarbox SDR's?
2) If so, how would I go about getting another unique station ID to feed data to when the time comes?

Thank you! - Doug


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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2023, 01:35:58 AM »
Many thanks abcd and Alan! 

I downloaded and installed per instructions.  Had everything back up and running in under 5 min.  Great alternative to the RadarBox desktop application/GUI.  The web interface to my station is more robust anyway and being able to select appropriate dongle/serial remotely via command line keeps me from having to go "hands on" with the remote machine for adjusting, rebooting, etc.  Problem(s) solved!!

Great! Congratulations

Quick follow up questions... 
1) Can this same combo of apps (modesdeco2 & RB24 DataSharer) be used to setup additional RB stations in other locations with NON-radarbox SDR's?
2) If so, how would I go about getting another unique station ID to feed data to when the time comes?

Thank you! - Doug

(1) Yes, any SDR having R820T+RTL2832U chip set will work OK with ModeSDeco2, ANRB ver 6 software, and dump1090.

CAUTION: Many SDR are available in market which do NOT specify R820T tuner chip, OR specify Fitipower's FC0012 or FC0013 Tuner chip. Do NOT purchase these as these are no good for 1090MHz

(2) Getting station number is automatic when you enter email and password of your Radarbox account. However as far as I know you can get one station per email address. So to get another station number, you have to first create a new Radarbox account with another email address, then use this other email address to login to RB24 Data Sharer.


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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2023, 01:43:19 AM »
@Runway 31

PS C:\Users\abcd\Downloads\modesdeco2_windows_20180429-R> ./modesdeco2.exe --help

ModeSDeco2 v.20180429
Program options:
  -h [ --help ]             This help message
  --device-list             List available devices
  --device-index arg        Select RTL device (default: 0)
  --device-serial arg       Select RTL device by serial number
  --gain arg                Set Gain in RTL Receiver chip, dB (default: auto)
  --agc                     Enable Automatic Gain Control in RTL2832 chip
                            (default: off)
  --freq-correction arg     Set RTL frequency correction, ppm (default: 0)
  --airspy                  Select AirSpy device
  --airspy-sn arg           Select AirSpy device by serial number
  --airspy-lna arg          Set LNA gain in AirSpy Receiver chip (default: 15)
  --airspy-mixer arg        Set Mixer gain in AirSpy Receiver chip (default:
  --airspy-sr arg           Set AirSpy sample rate (default: max available)
                             Example: 4, 6, 10
  --airspy-rfbias           Enable AirSpy RF Bias (default: off)
  --airspy-if arg           Set IF gain in AirSpy Receiver chip (default: 13)
  --airspy-workers arg      Set Airspy decoding worker threads (default: 1)
  --airspy-decimation arg   Set Airspy decoding decimation factor (default: 1)
  --airspy-fecbits arg      Forward Error Correction (FEC) bits (0..2)
                            (default: 1)
  --airspy-linearity arg    Select Airspy linearity gains (0..21)
  --airspy-crc-valid        Select only CRC valid frames (default: off)
  --disable-correction      Disable correction of corrupted signals (Default:
  --input-file arg          Set input filename with I/Q signals
                            Format: type:filename (type: rtl,airspy10,airspy6)
  --rbs                     Enable RBS decoding (only with RTL devices)
                            (default: off)
  --beast arg               Enable BEAST output listen port (default: off)
  --avr arg                 Enable AVR output listen port (default: off)
  --avrmlat arg             Enable AVR MLAT output listen port (default: off)
  --avrmlatas arg           Enable AVR MLAT AirSpy output listen port (default:
  --sbs10001 arg            Enable SBS-3 output listen port (default: off)
  --msg arg                 Enable MSG output listen port (default: off)
  --web arg                 Enable Web Server on port (default: off)
  --google-key arg          Google Maps key
  --web-auth arg            Enable web auth username:password (default: off)
  --disable-web-log         Disable Web Log (default: on)
  --silhouettes arg         Set Silhouettes directory
  --pictures arg            Set Aircraft Pictures directory
  --db arg                  Set BaseStation DB Filename
  --frdb arg                Set FlightRoute DB Filename
  --location arg            Receiver location Lat:Lon
                            Example: 36.27:-15.89
  --add-reference-point arg Add a new reference point for calculating distance
                            and azimuth to the map
                            Example: 38.5:-12.6:[Label1]
  --add-points arg          Add additional points (single or list) with
                            coordinates to the map
                            Example: 36.2:-15.3:[Label1] [38.5:-12.6:[Label1]]
  --verbose                 Verbose mode (default: off)
  --localtime               Local Time in MSG format output (default: UTC)
  --filter-expire arg       Filter record expire time, sec (default: 20)
  --filter-count arg        Filter record min count (default: 6)
  --filter-time arg         filter record min time, sec (default: 60)
  --filter-nocountry        Disable ICAO Country check filter (default: on)
  --filter-ic               Enable Interrogator Code suppression filter
                            (default: off)
  --filter-nodup            Disable Duplicate filter (default: on)
  --flight-expire-time arg  Flight expire time, sec (default: 3600)
  --nmea arg                Enable GPS Emulation.
                            Format: ICAO:Port:BaudRate
  --nmea-logfile arg        Set GPS Emulator logfile
  --metric                  Switch to metric system of distance measurement
                            (default: imperial)

PS C:\Users\abcd\Downloads\modesdeco2_windows_20180429-R>


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Re: Issues with RadarBox for Windows 6.02.003
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2023, 02:26:29 AM »
ModeSDeco2's Web Interface can be seen on Windows computer's web browser at following address:

  localhost:8686  OR

Has following tabs:


Please see screenshots attached