I have a problem perculiar to my system. When I switch off the screen (or use a display switch to switch to another PC), then come back to my PC with radarbox V6.01 or 02 the drop down menus are locked. The buttons are fine and the system is working. have to restart the software if I want the menus to work again.
I have installed the software on another Win11 machine (although without the drivers) and this works without issue.
So obviously a problem on my machine.
I've tried reinstalling to no avail. However, I note that it does not remove delete everything. So, when I install again it picks up details from previous install. Obviously, there are registry settings, services and files still lurking around.
As this is legacy software it is not supported by Airnav, their answer when asked some time ago was use the web front end. I had to explain to them that their web interface does not have features that I use in the legacy software, so is a no go.
After all that preamble my question, does anyone have directions to completely wipe the Radarbox software off a windows PC?
PS I can live with this fault but it does have a high wind up quotient for me!!!