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Author Topic: Where is best for Coaxial cable and connectors?  (Read 19006 times)

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Where is best for Coaxial cable and connectors?
« on: July 18, 2008, 07:55:29 PM »
Where is the best place on the net for buying cables and connectors to make patch leads and to connect the external aerial to my scanner?

Whats the best Coaxial Cable? RG58 or is there a better option? I dont mind spending that bit extra for quality.


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Re: Where is best for Coaxial cable and connectors?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2008, 04:49:40 PM »
Hi James,

I too would be interested in the best type of coaxial cable - I see Ecoflex gets mentioned a lot?

Should be picking up a couple of RadarBoxes tomorrow and an external antenna so will probably have to go on the advice of the dealer.

If you don't have a reply by the time I get back I will let you know!

« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 04:51:37 PM by GlynH »


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Re: Where is best for Coaxial cable and connectors?
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2008, 10:07:02 PM »

From what I gather, its the high frequences used by the ADS (1090) whuch warrents the higher spec cable, over distances of 5m.

As for the VHF Scanning cable which I was referring to in my original post, I have bought RG58 (cheapest) but im considering scrapping that and buy a much more industrisous cable when I can afford to by the Aerial - which is likely to be the SSE BASE128 SJ which has come recommended in another thread.
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Re: Where is best for Coaxial cable and connectors?
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2008, 08:18:52 AM »
Whoops...that will teach me to read properly before I type <blush>

I have plain old RG58 for my Royal Discone in both 10m & 15m lengths.
Can't give you my verdict yet as the antenna is still in its bag since I bought it a year ago...

When I can remember where I ordered my cable from I will let you know! :-)

I do have the ladders out at the moment as I am looking at fitting a Watson 1090 antenna with a supposed 6.5DBi gain to the top of a 16 foot pole at the top of my house on a hill 475 feet ASL - hoping for good results.

Not very inconspicuous though as it is white, 20mm thick and just over a metre long!

Feeding that with Westflex 103 which was what I had in mind when I replied to your post!

How are you getting on with your RB?

CanI ask what version of software came on the CD in the box?

Thanks & regards,
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 06:45:54 PM by GlynH »


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Re: Where is best for Coaxial cable and connectors?
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2008, 02:00:05 PM »
I was told that RG213 was the best cable...i did want a run of about 50 feet though...not a bad price at £1.50 per meter...anyone else used this?


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Re: Where is best for Coaxial cable and connectors?
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2008, 10:32:40 PM »
Hi SteveB,

Actually Westflex 103 is very similar to RG213 - but better if you read the attached .pdf taken directly from

I am always wary of manuacturers own claims but it does seem the better option to me and I usually buy the best!

Hope that helps.

Kind regards,


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Re: Where is best for Coaxial cable and connectors?
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2008, 06:30:38 PM »
Regarding the 1090mhz setup, I have just read through that pdf and definately going to buy the Westflex103 with the connectors already installed. Its about 10m from computer to the chimney stack, but going to order 15m, in the hope that I plan to extend the pole an extra 5m higher without the neighbours noticing!

Would it be overkill to buy westflex103 for my VHF Scanner too? I wanrt this setup right and dont plan on having to upgrade in 5 years time!



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Re: Where is best for Coaxial cable and connectors?
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2008, 07:28:55 PM »
a little late I know but...
From one who regularly installed VHF/UHF Nav and Comm systems, IFF/SSR and Tacan/DME and similar systems in aircraft, the best cable to use is in fact RG-214/U if you are installing over a distance in excess of say 5 metres. Like RG-213/U it is however bulky (about 3/8" dia) and heavy. It's double screened and needs special BNC Connectors although at a push those specified for RG-213 will work. RG-58 is a total waste of time and money, the losses involved are horrendous at freqs in excess of 150Mhz.
If you can get hold of it RG-400/U is good for freqs around 100 Mhz-1.5Ghz and uses the same BNC connectors as RG-58.
Hope this helps...