The day everyone has been waiting for has arrived.
Welcome to the most advanced ADS-B flight tracking application ever developed, AirNav RadarBox 2009 (also known as version 2.0). This is a major release meaning lots of features were added.
This upgrade is free to all existing users.
Despite the enormous success of the AirNav RadarBox ADS-B receiver that now entirely dominates this market, AirNav Systems never stopped the development: at AirNav Systems work will never stop.
Upgrade Download Link (for users with version 1.5): will copy to your existing RB2008 folder all relevant files)
Full Version Download Link: Shot (including a background NASA generated satellite photo of the UK):

New Features:
- Track flight over NASA Satellite Layers - all the world covered;
- Automatic download of flight origin/departure information based on callsign;
- Screen Shot FTP Auto Upload - share received views automatically;
- New fields in MyLog tables (ADS-B, first/last position, altitude, ground speed);
- Flight Tour Feature - scroll over all tracked flights automatically;
- Network flights now with squawk information;
- Silhouettes drawn for each aircraft received;
- Major airport outlines by default - track flights on airport taxiways;
- Callsign/Route appear on MyLog Reports;
- MyLog by default orders by last time on both aircraft/flights table;
- MyLog new search options;
- MyLog refresh shortcut (F5)
- Optimization of MyLog feature to enabled millions of flight entries without affecting application performance;
- Over 1400 airline Logos included by default;
- Over 400 civilian/military flags included by default;
- Distance and Bearing automatically updated (not only on mouse move);
- Grid Column order correctly displayed for all numeric fields;
- Problems when application minimized corrected;
- Application 100% fast and stable and robust on simpler computers (average 65 Mbytes of memory used only);
We want to be an open minded company, happy to receive and implement user suggestions and always looking for improvements.
The degree of confidence and daily user interaction shown by more than 1000 AirNav Systems forum users shows it all.
Our forum is the place where our developers talk directly to the customers getting ideas and motivation for improvements.
A special thank you to all the users suggestions and to the team that helped us finishing this new version.