You can use planeplotter from both RB and SBS, but of the boxes the RB is the more user friendly and complete. So if you were wanting to use planeplotter you'd still be better off with the RB.
I've had both units and chose the RB.
I agree, out of the box the RB software looks better (more option's etc.etc.)
But that's not the point, the point is what are the possibility's regarding the funcionatlity on realtime.
Its very simple airnav ruled out the possibility for using the network in realtime while the competition has a option to do that (illigal or not).
But the more i read on this site the more i'm confinced that the argument of security isn't the real reason for the delay.
It is not that hard to figure out what's going to happend when it was possible to get realtime network, one of the things is that people go stream there data on website's and community's.
Airnav know's that there is almost no interest in delayed data (beside's the users that have the boxfor they can wtach realtime also).
So if people want to watch live they must have the box.
That's a good reason to keep it this way.
Personly i think that airnav is affraid when make networking possible realtime people wont buy the box, i think it will increase the sale of it.
When i show friends/family that there is a box for receiving this kind of data and dissplay it on youre monitor, they all say the same thing when telling that the network isn't realtime, they all say What's the use of it then.........
Ask youreself, what if you do not have the radarbox and you only can watch airtraffic on a network with a delay, how long wil you monitoring such a site.
In another topic i was refuring to the site atcbox, there you can see that there is almost no interest for people to watch if it is delayed, on a busy day there are no more then 3 a 4 users that watch the delayed streams as you can see in the screenshot (note that only the streams Europe_east and Europe-West are delayed) all the others are realtime.

But enough said no realtime, no airnav.......