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Author Topic: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta  (Read 119204 times)

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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #105 on: July 06, 2009, 06:43:02 PM »
Can anyone throw any light on this -

In my smartview  I Have EZY175A - G-JEDI.

1) I don't have Easyjet set up in my smartview and 2) G-JEDI is a Flybe aircarft.

EDIT: and it is showing a route EGSH - EGCC, Easyjet do not fly out of Norwich, But Flybe do.

EDIT: On flight tracker it is say should be BE447. It cannot be pilot error.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 06:55:50 PM by abrad41 »

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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #106 on: July 06, 2009, 09:45:10 PM »
Thanks Andy, we will take a look sounds unsual.
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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #107 on: July 06, 2009, 10:06:18 PM »
Please don't ask questions like this as it puts Dev under pressure and they give knee-jerk responses of dates they cannot possibly it 25th June or 2nd July yet? ;^)


The standard response to a question such as this would be;

It will be released on Monday...


Paid my money - so I thought I was intitled to ask whatever I wanted....

I wasnt demanding it be a certain date, I just (politely - I thought) asked a question in the 'forum'.

Whatever.... anyway as I say beta testing isnt for me, so I shall await the full release which I now know better than to ask when it might be.

Thank you all for your kindness

Geez...lighten up a bit mate. Having a bad day or something?

Do they not have a sense of humour where you come from or did you not see the winking smiley in there?

Or my tongue-in-cheek 'dig' towards AirNav at the dates come & gone, the word ducking in brackets and the light-hearted 'Monday' phrase often quoted when it comes to release dates?

Sorry if you took it the wrong need to get all pear-shaped now....;^)

Kind regards,

Nothing at all wrong with my sense of humour, as anybody who knows me will testify.

However, look at it from my point of view.... I asked, when the full version was likely to be released? (Nothing more and nothing less)

In reply I got shot down from all sides by people telling me to stop hassling AirNav as I was making their task harder (err - I wasnt). To stop making unrealistic demands (again I wasnt), and my personal favourite - Dont shout demands at the team (wtf?).

I was directing my query at AirNav - nobody else. They havent seen fit to reply. Fine, simply the fact that there is going to be a version 3 is good news, and I will happily wait a week, a year or a decade for it to arrive.

However, I dont think simply asking a straight forward question about the time scale was quite the crime some saw it as. However I seem to be in a group of one with that assumption - so I will walk away with my tail between my legs, and learn my lesson for the future (consider any question asked on here, very carefully to make sure it could not some how - however slightly - to be seen as an attack against Air Nav... so as to avoid the wrath of the masses)

I do have a life away from aircraft, a very healthy one. Therefore I am not really all that bothered about this whole issue, or indeed when or if I will ever update to V3 of the software (it already does all I need it to, and more, with V2). However, as you may have guessed, it does upset me when people lay into me for no real reason.

Pear Shaped of Heathrow


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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #108 on: July 06, 2009, 10:21:01 PM »
ANRB.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.

 I keep getting thi scan anyone help


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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #109 on: July 06, 2009, 10:45:57 PM »
Quote from: 9M-ISJ

I do have a life away from aircraft, a very healthy one. Therefore I am not really all that bothered about this whole issue, or indeed when or if I will ever update to V3 of the software (it already does all I need it to, and more, with V2). However, as you may have guessed, it does upset me when people lay into me for no real reason.

Pear Shaped of Heathrow

I don't really think that anybody was having a go at you, but I think that some of the guys here were remembering the 'punch up' that was almost caused the other week when a couple of guys tried to get AirNav to name a date for the V2.1 beta release (as it was), then gave them grief for it not appearing on that date, then getting even more upset when it was named V3.0.

Keep smiling, we're all coming from the same direction here and I'm sure that there was no intent to give you a hard time.

Hopefully, we won't have to wait a decade :-)


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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #110 on: July 07, 2009, 06:10:46 AM »
Today is a new day!!! Smile guys we getting there slowly!


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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #111 on: July 07, 2009, 08:26:32 AM »
ANRB.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.

 I keep getting thi scan anyone help

yes - I get this as well v2 works fine but v3 beta crashes


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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #112 on: July 07, 2009, 08:47:43 AM »
Hi HMB851X/pjm,

Airnav are aware of this. Try changing the compatability to Window 98/ME and it should run OK.




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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #113 on: July 07, 2009, 09:01:54 AM »
Airnav are aware of this. Try changing the compatability to Window 98/ME and it should run OK.

thanks Cumulus - that fixed the problem.


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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #114 on: July 07, 2009, 09:20:07 AM »
thanks Cumulus - that fixed the problem.

Well it's a "get you home fix" but don't forget to change the compatability back to normal when the real fix is released.

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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #115 on: July 07, 2009, 04:05:46 PM »

We understand your point of view but its best for us when we are in beta test mode that we shouldn't place a specfic date for a full release as we want to get all the bugs caught (not possible in closed beta testing) and also take on suggestions.

If it takes longer that way we see it as the better as less likely any bugs will get through.
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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #116 on: July 07, 2009, 05:43:52 PM »

We understand your point of view but its best for us when we are in beta test mode that we shouldn't place a specfic date for a full release as we want to get all the bugs caught (not possible in closed beta testing) and also take on suggestions.

If it takes longer that way we see it as the better as less likely any bugs will get through.

Maybe you shouldn't even quote dates for releasing Beta versions as most of the time they cannot be met...not a criticism you understand! :-)

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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #117 on: July 07, 2009, 05:46:36 PM »
Another variation on a theme here...not sure if its been reported in v3 Beta but it is present in v2.10 Beta;

Alerts: We know the Alerts warning is a bit crook and has been acknowledged but something that is probably related is every time I start the app the 'Execute a file' checkbox is ticked. I can untick it but then after I close and restart the app it defaults to checked.

One for the hit list maybe?

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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #118 on: July 07, 2009, 06:01:34 PM »
AirNav Support

Can anyone throw any light on this -

In my smartview  I Have EZY175A - G-JEDI.

1) I don't have Easyjet set up in my smartview and 2) G-JEDI is a Flybe aircarft.

EDIT: and it is showing a route EGSH - EGCC, Easyjet do not fly out of Norwich, But Flybe do.

EDIT: On flight tracker it is say should be BE447. It cannot be pilot error.


Another strange thing In my smartview at the moment

404D0D - EZY25LM - G-EZDT - A319 - EGJJ- EGKK

I have nothing in my smartview which is anywhere near EZY.
I Have in my Smartview



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Re: Part 2 - RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.0 Beta
« Reply #119 on: July 07, 2009, 06:32:24 PM »
Interesting, I use SmartView extensively, and I haven't seen anything there that shouldn't be there.  This is my SmartView list:
