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Author Topic: New Hardware?  (Read 34175 times)

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New Hardware?
« on: September 05, 2009, 01:53:32 AM »
Any chance that Airnav will be launching new hardware soon? I take on board new software releases, but are Airnav going to launch a box with an ethernet connection as well as USB? The SBS1e can be connected to over a network connection from a remote PC. That's a cool feature!

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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2009, 02:42:51 AM »
Who knows what we are preparing. :-)


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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2009, 06:21:10 AM »
Who knows what we are preparing. :-)

We don't but you have dropped a couple of hints...

But I agree built-in ethernet would be a great start for the hardware.

Lets hope it doesn't suffer the same fate as the ShipTrax hardware which was announced over 18 months ago as being ready by March-April 2008

That's why I'm not asking for a release date...I'd probably have spent my money on the Kinetic SBS-3 MKII with built-in teasmaid by then! ;^)

It will of course come with software that properly supports multi-monitor setups or else I will be jumping ship so to speak...;^)


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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2009, 03:30:04 PM »
GlynH: you are free to "jump ship" anytime, anyway I wouldn't suggest you to do so: our competitors haven't release an update to their software for the last 3 years. The ethernet feature, as reported by our dealers, has no interest for 99% of the users. For the rest of the users "Who knows what we are preparing. :-)".

Have a look at:
RadarBox vs Basestation - One on One Comparison Table

AirNav RadarBox vs Competition - Complete Analysis

Why AirNav RadarBox - Leaflet

BTW regarding your constant complaints about V3, we sent you an email 2 days ago to try to solve your problems in a faster way. No reply received yet.
Let us know if you received it.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2009, 03:32:20 PM by AirNav Development »


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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2009, 04:03:58 PM »
GlynH: you are free to "jump ship" anytime, anyway I wouldn't suggest you to do so: our competitors haven't release an update to their software for the last 3 years. The ethernet feature, as reported by our dealers, has no interest for 99% of the users. For the rest of the users "Who knows what we are preparing. :-)".

Have a look at:
<a href=" Compare V12.pdf">RadarBox vs Basestation - One on One Comparison Table</a><br>

<a href="">AirNav RadarBox vs Competition - Complete Analysis</a><br>

<a href=" RadarBox - Leaflet.pdf">Why AirNav RadarBox - Leaflet</a><br>

BTW regarding your constant complaints about V3, we sent you an email 2 days ago to try to solve your problems in a faster way. No reply received yet.
Let us know if you received it.

You sent me an email??

Nope...haven't received anything from you but I am all for trying to solve my problems in a faster way...



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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2009, 04:28:11 PM »
Hello again AirNav,

Well links 1 & 3 given above don't work because of the space before Compare & RadarBox respectively.

With all due respect - I remember saying this before somewhere - IMHO any manufacturers 'comparison' is worthless because they will only list features they have that the competition don't.

On balance I could probably think of 20 things for SBS-1 that RadarBox doesn't have.

This is the same for any manufacturers comparison tables not just yours and so I take then all with a pinch of salt! :-)

And either tell me what you have planned or stop posting teasers about 'what might be coming''s just not fair...I can't take it any more! ;^)

I hate to remond you but you have been saying the same about ShipTrax for over 18 months now...

You should wait. What we are preparing is something never seen in the Ship Tracking scene. :-)

You were right about one thing is something we have never seen it...LOL


I can't take credit for spotting that but someone else around here know who you are! ;^)

« Last Edit: September 05, 2009, 04:49:01 PM by GlynH »


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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2009, 04:33:38 PM »
Well links 1 & 3 given above don't work because of the space before Compare & RadarBox respectively.

I hate to remond you but you have been saying the same about ShiTrax for over 18 months now...


The links work OK for me.

I hope that your description of ShipTrax is a genuine typing error, otherwise my respect for you is rapidly going down hill, ducking or not.  I don't think that we need that sort of attitude Glyn.


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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2009, 04:56:15 PM »
The links work OK for me.

I hope that your description of ShipTrax is a genuine typing error, otherwise my respect for you is rapidly going down hill, ducking or not.  I don't think that we need that sort of attitude Glyn.

Whoops...edited quickly <blush> I'll have a 'p' please Bob.

The links now work correctly for me and also appear correctly in the post (shorter) with out the %20 where some spaces were - edited.

Attitude? Geez...lighten up Gary. it was a genuine typo ...I also spelt remind incorrectly...

For those who have been waiting 18 months or more it might have been a more fitting description though...



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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2009, 05:02:14 PM »
                                                                           Tissues and a new chair required Glyn?
« Last Edit: September 05, 2009, 05:08:38 PM by Terry »

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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2009, 05:25:40 PM »

Firstly please watch your posts. We did email you to try and rectify an issue you were having, we were willing to give up time of one our developers to go through a sort an issue only you were having. So far we have had no reply and instead these kind of posts from you. (We have contacted you via PM now as well)

RadarBox by far has the most the wanted features that you could have compared to the competitors.
Contact Customer/Technical support via:
[email protected]


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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2009, 06:43:45 PM »
The ethernet feature, as reported by our dealers, has no interest for 99% of the users.

I would have to be in that 1% minority again.

Ethernet is a huge win. I could connect my RB to my home network and be able to connect from my laptop, or from my work desktop, or indeed anywhere else. If you don't want it, it's because what it allows has not been explained to you properly IMHO.


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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2009, 08:14:42 PM »
I did the 'self help' Ethernet (Jetvison) mod to my SBS-1 a couple of years ago.  Yes, there are advantages to having the 'box' on the Ethernet, and sitting in the garden with the laptop and the binos was one of them.  I didn't really take full advantage of it being on the network though and I haven't really missed this function with RB.  If I do want to access RB remotely, I use the free version of LogMeIn which works fine.  I certainly wouldn't object to having RB on my network, but I probably wouldn't want it enough to purchase another Ethernet equipped RB?

I'm still fairly happy that it's the RB software that's being updated to work with the existing hardware, rather than having to buy new hardware every year or so.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2009, 08:20:13 PM by Allocator »


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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2009, 08:25:29 PM »
I did the 'self help' Ethernet (Jetvison) mod to my SBS-1 a couple of years ago.  Yes, there are advantages to having the 'box' on the Ethernet, and sitting in the garden with the laptop and the binos was one of them.  I didn't really take full advantage of it being on the network though and I haven't really missed this function with RB.  If I do want to access RB remotely, I use the free version of LogMeIn which works fine.  I certainly wouldn't object to having RB on my network, but I probably wouldn't want it enough to purchase another Ethernet equipped RB?

My laptop is my only machine that can run the RB software, so I can't leave it on with the RB connected at home. Also, I'm not then reliant on the stability of the RB software when running remotely, in case it and the VNC or remote access method hangs the machine. I don't know if it will happen, but I prefer to rely on the typically very robust TCPIP connectivity over ethernet.

I'm still fairly happy that it's the RB software that's being updated to work with the existing hardware, rather than having to buy new hardware every year or so.

True enough, I'd like to be able to use my existing RB perhaps with a new rear panel and connections to an expansion connector internally. I don't know if there is one on the RB. I know the SBS-1 has one.


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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2009, 11:03:37 PM »
The ethernet feature, as reported by our dealers, has no interest for 99% of the users.

I would have to be in that 1% minority again.

Ethernet is a huge win. I could connect my RB to my home network and be able to connect from my laptop, or from my work desktop, or indeed anywhere else. If you don't want it, it's because what it allows has not been explained to you properly IMHO.

Your not alone Brian - I too would include myself in the 1% minority.

Everything here that can be networked is networked and that includes telephone system, CCTV, 3 x UPS, even my A/V amplifier is accessible through a web browser!

I have tried the Lantronix UBox which although not perfect does allow me to connect to my RB remotely.

I have also tried a few different USB->Ethernet applications but they all suffer from not having an easy way to disconnect my main PC when I want to connect from my MediaPC, laptop(s) either on the LAN or WAN.

It would appear we are in a minority of two if AirNavs figure is to be believed...although I am sceptical because of the 'as reported by our dealers' disclaimer...what do they know? ;^)

Mind you at least I am able to connect to RB via TCP/IP at a push one way or the other which is something I cannot do with my WiNRADiO G305...apparently the only way is to upgrade to the G315 which at $2800 plus an additional $265 for the Client/Server software option is pushing it a bit - even for me...:-O

I didn't see a category on Terre's excellent suggestions list/poll for hardware because Ethernet would be top of the pile for me followed by a decent BNC or preferably 'N' type antenna connector for an electrically & mechanically sound robust aerial connection without adaptor plugs/cables.

And a way to wall mount the box would be nice...and...and...:-)



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Re: New Hardware?
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2009, 11:17:14 PM »
I did the 'self help' If I do want to access RB remotely, I use the free version of LogMeIn which works fine. 

Gary, don't you have any issues when you log on remotely and the screen resloution changes to match your remote PC?

Here for example I run my desktop at 1280 x 1024 but my laptop runs a maximum of 1024 x 768.

OK I can access my PC via MS RDP but it is a pain with screen redraw as I usually have multiple apps open but the biggest drawback is the size of the RB screenshot that is ftp'd to my web server changes from its usual 731 x 855 to something slightly different and that is enough to screw up the layout of the screenshot on my web page.

Probably easily remedied by some html work to the picture container on my website but slightly beyond my html knowledge (or interest level) I'm afraid...

Anyway far better than RDP/VNC/LogMeIn and much more robust would be a purely TCP/IP connection to the box itself.

I very nearly went down the SBS-1 road originally purely for the ethernet but that was a fiasco way back then what with Kinetic promising it for a year, then saying it couldn't be done for anothe ryear only for some enterprising user to figure it out and Kinetic mysteriously said it could be done after all.

That was what put me off the SBS-1...well that and the 'welcome' I got on the forum...remember that? ;^)
