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Author Topic: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version  (Read 34564 times)

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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #75 on: February 09, 2010, 11:41:52 PM »
I've currently got multiple aircraft that I'm actively tracking in MyFlights (with globe icon) and actively updating and when you double click on  some of these the 3d map zooms to where the aircraft should be, but other than the tracking lines there is no aircraft symbol of any type. You just watch the track line form and that's it. It's a ghost!

When using the home menu button it does show a 2d a/c symbol when looking top down.

From my experience with this so far, the problem is caused by the 3D plug-in attempting to load the 3D model from the application and some kind of error during the transfer happens causing it to fail for some unknown reason. I thought we'd eliminated this bug but it looks like it is still lingering in there. I will continue to work on this problem. There is a way to get around it as a temporary fix however. First, open your 'task manager' and kill all processes named 'geplugin.exe'. This will completely close the 3D plug-in (you will see it disappear from the ANRB application). Then click 'reload plug-in' and it will reload a fresh copy (this is different than just clicking 'reload plug-in' btw). The models will then be forced to reload from the application.

If this happens to anyone again, can you please post here or send me an email with what aircraft model was supposed to show, plus your network performance setting and hardware performance setting? This will help out during the testing/debugging process.


Without closing the app and following your directions exactly the same issue is still occurring for all tracked aircraft on the map. The software has been up over 24 hours now without being shut down. It was working fine yesterday.

Network was off but setting was min recommended. Hardware was max. I don't have the models but it appears to be everything at the moment. I'll let you know when I get one that actually displays at this point.

Two models that use to display but aren't now are the 757, 737, A320. Like I said it appears to be everything that tracks on the map at the moment even after the steps you mentioned to correct the issue. Tracking lines still show just great, just no 3d aircraft.

Intel Quad Core CPU, nVidia GeForce 8600 GT, Windows 7 x64, 4gb Ram

I just noticed something else. There is now a square box with a red x over my home location. Just keep in mind that the app was working fine and then started doing this without being shut down for the past 24 hours other than the plugin reset.

Hope this helps :-)
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 11:58:08 PM by Falcon »

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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #76 on: February 10, 2010, 12:18:36 AM »

I just noticed something else. There is now a square box with a red x over my home location. Just keep in mind that the app was working fine and then started doing this without being shut down for the past 24 hours other than the plugin reset.

It sounds like the ANRB application is having an issue accessing the models/images from your filesystem. Do you get the 2D icons or colored spheres to load when set to minimum or medium? Could you try completely restarting ANRB3D and report if things work again?


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #77 on: February 10, 2010, 12:24:50 AM »
Just out of interest, how do you propose to issue new models and new/updated liveries?

Will it be like logos etc with a forum thread, where the user has to download them and place them in the correct folders, or will the process be automated?



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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #78 on: February 10, 2010, 12:28:13 AM »
Another idea then - how about making the 'minimum' aircraft spheres a bit smaller (a lot smaller in fact!) and give them a trail.  At least that would make the 3D Network display usable for those of us with slightly older PC's.

Here is a zip with smaller icons if you'd like to try them out (I've been using these for a couple of days). Just place them in your <app path>/Data/Assets/ directory and overwrite the existing ones.

The trails will come with the next exe.

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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #79 on: February 10, 2010, 12:29:20 AM »
Rod: we believe a specific forum thread would be the best (just like the new logos thread). We would prefer to give this task to the users as it would, also, help them grow their interest in the application.

Do you know how to do models / liveries? Do you need a detailed explanation? Let me know.


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #80 on: February 10, 2010, 12:43:16 AM »
I have no idea how to create 3D models! And an explanation of how to do the liveries would be greatly appreciated - they look a bit scary compared with logos and outlines.

I'm starting to feel a bit worried about the workload here - do you guys pay salaries? I could give up the day job!

I'll happily give them a go if I don't have to buy too much special software - I think CATIA might be a bit too expensive, and I'm not sure my computer could handle it ;-)



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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #81 on: February 10, 2010, 01:00:24 AM »
I'll happily give them a go if I don't have to buy too much special software - I think CATIA might be a bit too expensive, and I'm not sure my computer could handle it ;-)

If you are looking for something to practice on, my wishlist starts here :)


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #82 on: February 10, 2010, 03:04:53 AM »
It sounds like the ANRB application is having an issue accessing the models/images from your filesystem. Do you get the 2D icons or colored spheres to load when set to minimum or medium? Could you try completely restarting ANRB3D and report if things work again?

I get 2d icons when zoomed out, but the second you zoom in to where there should be a 3d model it's not there. My thoughts were on file system access but nothing changed other than continued operation and general use of the computer. One core keeps up with the demand of the RB app in 3d mode so I've still got lots of juice left for other things of a rather general nature, at least since the new version of the app has been running.

I'm going to uninstall, reboot, reinstall as admin, reboot, run as admin, and then see what happens. I'll let you know. Oh ya and the RB directory is excluded from AVG.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 03:07:11 AM by Falcon »


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #83 on: February 10, 2010, 05:18:15 PM »
Started getting this error message this afternoon.  Reloading the plug didn't solve the problem, only solution was to shutdown Radarbox and restart.

Clicking on the "Learn more>" link opened up a web-page within the Radarbox window.


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #84 on: February 10, 2010, 05:21:53 PM »
Do you know how to do models / liveries? Do you need a detailed explanation? Let me know.

I'd love to have a go, but would need a detailed explanation.  I used to be quite adept at 3D Studio and Gmax.

What we really need is a program to convert Flight Sim models to ANRB models ;)  We could then easily get, for example, the EC-225 from FSX and use it in ANRB.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 05:42:54 PM by tarbat »

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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #85 on: February 10, 2010, 06:36:36 PM »
Do you know how to do models / liveries? Do you need a detailed explanation? Let me know.

What we really need is a program to convert Flight Sim models to ANRB models ;)  We could then easily get, for example, the EC-225 from FSX and use it in ANRB.

If you can get the model in 3DS format with a texture map, I can convert it into the correct format for you. Then you can modify the texture map as needed. I will try to work up some kind of tutorial so you guys can do it yourself in the future (however we're pretty much busy working on getting it ready to launch right now). Hint: try looking into Google Sketch-up--it's very cool (and free for the non-pro version!).

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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #86 on: February 10, 2010, 06:40:11 PM »
Started getting this error message this afternoon.  Reloading the plug didn't solve the problem, only solution was to shutdown Radarbox and restart.

Clicking on the "Learn more>" link opened up a web-page within the Radarbox window.

I have seen this happen once before. I'm not positive what causes yet, but the application embeds an IE browser instance inside the 3D pane and sometimes it gets 'stuck'. Restarting ANRB3D application forces the instance to fully restart. If anyone can reliably duplicate it, please let us know.


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #87 on: February 10, 2010, 06:53:14 PM »
If anyone can reliably duplicate it, please let us know.

When this happened for me, I'd been running in 2D mode for most of the day (> 6 hours), if that's any clue to the cause.

And thanks for the clues about Google Sketchup, I'll experiment tomorrow with some Gmax models I've build in the past for FSX and import them into Google Sketchup.


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #88 on: February 12, 2010, 04:08:06 PM »
Hi All

Just back from my holiday and downloaded the new (full install)

Asking me if I want to go online and buy (As Below)




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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #89 on: February 12, 2010, 06:22:45 PM »
Hi All

Just back from my holiday and downloaded the new (full install)

Asking me if I want to go online and buy (As Below)



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