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Author Topic: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!  (Read 48358 times)

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New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« on: September 10, 2010, 09:13:43 PM »

I don’t know if many of the RB users are aware that the db files are updated when you exit the RB software.  I have been aware of this for sometime so in order to limit the risk I have been deliberately quitting and restarting the software from time to time to make sure the data is saved to both db files.  Unfortunately, I forgot to restart the software over the last few days and tonight for NO reason the software crashed and all updates, with days of data, were lost.  Well p….. off! 

May I make a serious suggestion to AirNav to have some way of updating the db files without having to quit the software each time, for example a menu item to save all data, or have an automatic update at a frequency that can be chosen by the user.  What are you views on this AirNav?


16 NM SSW of LFMV (Avignon)
27 NM NW of LFML (Marseille)
Arles, France.


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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 11:08:49 PM »
Some time ago I learnt from the forum about the sw not saving the data to the db's, thus whenever I make any changes I exit and restart the sw. It's a pain in the neck, especially as you have to go through the palaver of having to untick the share data box on restart. Yesterday I got distracted and omitted to untick the share data box. I hate to admit it, but my RB was sharing my data for several hours before I realised. I was physically sick when I realised my error, but thankfully I have fully recovered now.
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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 11:38:38 PM »
Do not worry, mine is always the crash and lost many times my flight.
For me now it is normal .....

Especially when I have the "network" on.



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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2010, 11:45:54 PM »
Some time ago I learnt from the forum about the sw not saving the data to the db's, thus whenever I make any changes I exit and restart the sw. It's a pain in the neck, especially as you have to go through the palaver of having to untick the share data box on restart. Yesterday I got distracted and omitted to untick the share data box. I hate to admit it, but my RB was sharing my data for several hours before I realised. I was physically sick when I realised my error, but thankfully I have fully recovered now.

And what is the problem of sharing the data?


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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2010, 01:18:10 AM »
Some time ago I learnt from the forum about the sw not saving the data to the db's, thus whenever I make any changes I exit and restart the sw. It's a pain in the neck, especially as you have to go through the palaver of having to untick the share data box on restart. Yesterday I got distracted and omitted to untick the share data box. I hate to admit it, but my RB was sharing my data for several hours before I realised. I was physically sick when I realised my error, but thankfully I have fully recovered now.

And what is the problem of sharing the data?

It's the principle that users donate use of their bandwidth to "share" data with Airnav free of charge which Airnav then exploits by charging us for the dubiously named network "service".

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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2010, 09:34:29 AM »
Donate bandwith?  Now I can understand in a country like mine where bandwidth costs an arm and a leg you could be donating but in most first world countries there is no cap on bandwidth so there is not additional cost.

I share - so if you see aircraft on the Southern tip of Africa - that is me.

In my view Airnav is charging for the use of the system, servers, etc - not the data.

PS - it would be VERY lonely for me if there was no one out there prepared to share.  I get about 40 flights a day of which about 10 are full ADS-B and the rest Mode S only - so I spend most of my time looking at flights that others are sharing.

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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2010, 10:21:59 AM »
Very well put Chris and I am in full agreement.  I appreciate others sharing and do the same.



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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2010, 10:32:23 AM »
No problems with bandwith usage here in Spain and all providers as far as I know are the same with unrestricted use at no extra cost. I have no issues with regard to sharing in fact it adds to my enjoyment.

Eggplant, just as a matter of interest do you spend all your time only looking at YOUR local traffic only and have NEVER been onto the network to see what is happening elsewhere in the UK and indeed the world ?!
If so, how boring and sad that must be !
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 10:35:09 AM by EK01 »


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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2010, 11:31:52 AM »
Donate bandwith?  Now I can understand in a country like mine where bandwidth costs an arm and a leg you could be donating but in most first world countries there is no cap on bandwidth so there is not additional cost.

"Donate use of their bandwidth" were the terms I used. The cost level (an "arm or a leg" or otherwise) is irrelevant. The exact terms and conditons of my internet connection are also irrelevant. The fact is that I pay a monthly sum to an ISP for the connection. I think you'll find that most internet users do. If I were to share data, a proportion of this bandwidth usage which I am paying for would be used simply to line Airnavs pockets. Why would I wish to do that ? Last time I checked Airnav was not a registered charity.
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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2010, 11:35:30 AM »
No problems with bandwith usage here in Spain and all providers as far as I know are the same with unrestricted use at no extra cost. I have no issues with regard to sharing in fact it adds to my enjoyment.

Eggplant, just as a matter of interest do you spend all your time only looking at YOUR local traffic only and have NEVER been onto the network to see what is happening elsewhere in the UK and indeed the world ?!
If so, how boring and sad that must be !

Hmm. Talking of sad cases, could you please explain to me how you gain enjoyment simpy by giving your data away free of charge ?!

As an experiment I used my RB whilst sharing data, and also tried it without sharing data. For me the enjoyment level remained constant throughout.
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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2010, 11:51:06 AM »
Firstly on the actual topic. The database updates are done periodically to the local database, you should also see a .journal file which is the updates to be done to the database.

They are then written after a certain period of time. Also when RadarBox loads up if there any entries in this journal entry it tries to add them. The main issue here is not the database updating its why its crashing regularly. Send us an email with your computer specs and any other details and we will try and work out what the issue is.

The thread has also drifted into something which has been discussed over and over. Just to clarify if you share data, even if the busiest areas (London TMA) you will be sending a max 20mb per day. Most people looking at that stats are well below that and therefore unless your under a very restrictive bandwidth allowance you will have no issue there.

Furthermore there any many services via RadarBox that we provide free of charge (routes, aircraft data, weather, photos) The network is something we have to charge for because of the extended cost to us.

You mention bandwidth eggplant, it might be 200mb bandwith per month which is causing you not to share due to cost but do you know how much 3 TB+ of data costs us to provide for the network? (and thats just part of the cost of the network)
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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2010, 01:39:34 PM »
Thanks AirNav for your reply.

I cannot find a .journal file.  Could you please be more specific (folder and exact file name(s)).

Based on what you are saying the records should still be in a temporary file, no?

But then if that's the case, why didn't they update the db files when the program loaded?

As I said, all records added since I last started the software, in both MyLog.db3 and NavData.db3 were lost following the crash, and this has happened to me many times.

I'm on Windows Vista family SP2.

16 NM SSW of LFMV (Avignon)
27 NM NW of LFML (Marseille)
Arles, France.


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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2010, 02:00:37 PM »
No problems with bandwith usage here in Spain and all providers as far as I know are the same with unrestricted use at no extra cost. I have no issues with regard to sharing in fact it adds to my enjoyment.

Eggplant, just as a matter of interest do you spend all your time only looking at YOUR local traffic only and have NEVER been onto the network to see what is happening elsewhere in the UK and indeed the world ?!
If so, how boring and sad that must be !

Hmm. Talking of sad cases, could you please explain to me how you gain enjoyment simpy by giving your data away free of charge ?!

As an experiment I used my RB whilst sharing data, and also tried it without sharing data. For me the enjoyment level remained constant throughout.


Hope you read the very thorough reply from AN regarding bandwidth. As to receiving enjoyment from 'giving away data free of charge' that's not a problem as I am receiving worldwide data from other less selfish users which greatly increases my enjoyment and helps to update my logs and databases etc. Still as long as you are happy in your own little 'local' world that's fine but don't get onto AN about 'exploitation' and the 'dubiously named network service'. You only get what you pay for and as AN have said it aint very much !


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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2010, 03:06:53 PM »


Hope you read the very thorough reply from AN regarding bandwidth. As to receiving enjoyment from 'giving away data free of charge' that's not a problem as I am receiving worldwide data from other less selfish users which greatly increases my enjoyment and helps to update my logs and databases etc. Still as long as you are happy in your own little 'local' world that's fine but don't get onto AN about 'exploitation' and the 'dubiously named network service'. You only get what you pay for and as AN have said it aint very much !

Interesting post EK01, although with respect it seems to be littered with misconceptions.

Contrary to your statement that you are receiving data from "less selfish" users, this is not the case. You are receiving data from Airnav for which you have paid a princely sum.  The donation of data is an entirely separate subject - you do not actually have to give your data as well as your money to receive the network data. I'm surprised you appear to be unaware of this.

Thanks for anally-retentive instructions - "don't get onto Airnav" etc. To be clear I am merely stating my opinion.

Have a nice weekend giving your data away free of charge for Airnav to profit from commercially.

If you are ever in my area please pop by and drop off something of value to me, so that I can sell it on for profit. Sounds silly ? Yes, but you wouldn't want to be considered "selfish" would you now !
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 03:25:00 PM by eggplant »
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Re: New data lost if Radarbox software crashes!
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2010, 03:29:04 PM »


Hope you read the very thorough reply from AN regarding bandwidth. As to receiving enjoyment from 'giving away data free of charge' that's not a problem as I am receiving worldwide data from other less selfish users which greatly increases my enjoyment and helps to update my logs and databases etc. Still as long as you are happy in your own little 'local' world that's fine but don't get onto AN about 'exploitation' and the 'dubiously named network service'. You only get what you pay for and as AN have said it aint very much !

Interesting post EK01, although with respect it seems to be littered with misconceptions.

Contrary to your statement that you are receiving data from "less selfish" users, this is not the case. You are receiving data from Airnav for which you have a princely sum.  The donation of data is an entirely separate subject - you do not actually have to give your data as well as your money to receive the network data. I'm surprised you appear to be unaware of this.

Thanks for anally-retentive instructions - "don't get onto Airnav" etc. To be clear I am merely stating my opinion.

Have a nice weekend giving your data away free of charge for Airnav to profit from commercially.

If you are ever in my area please pop by and drop off something of value to me, so that I can sell it on for profit. Sounds silly ? Yes, but you wouldn't want to be considered "selfish" would you now !

You really must try and keep up. Yes, I am receiving the data from Airnav but who do you think is providing the data to Airnav. The 'less selfish' users if I am not mistaken! I am well aware I do not have to give MY data to recieve network data but as I said, I and many hundreds of others do so in order to increase our enjoyment of our hobby. You choose not to do so and clearly that is your choice and you are entitled to your opinion just don't keep whingeing on about having to untick boxes and 'throwing your toys out of the pram' because you have to do so in order to prevent more sensibly minded users from seeing your data. We really have heard it all before.
Have a nice weekend looking at your local aircraft and as for dropping by to drop off something to you for profit, you can consult ebay for that or will that also involve you using up bandwith.
Nuff said.
Suggest you lock this thread as certain people obviously don't want you to make any profits. Working for 'the other side' perhaps ?!