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Author Topic: routes file for ver 1.4  (Read 12690 times)

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routes file for ver 1.4
« on: March 09, 2008, 09:48:04 AM »
Hi......i have recently purchased the radar box......must say im very impressed
but i find lots of routes are not shown  for flight nos displayed can anybody please help me  with any update files
re this
many thanks for any help

Malcolm Brd


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Re: routes file for ver 1.4
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2008, 09:56:09 AM »
Yes, I know what you mean.  So far I've added about 300 missing routes.

You can either add them manually using Database Explorer, or come up with a more automated system using Planeplotter and FD6PP, which is what I do.

Daily I create a pseudo recording file for PP to read, get FD6PP to lookup the routes, export these routes from the FD6 database, and import those into the NavData database.


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Re: routes file for ver 1.4
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2008, 10:00:25 AM »
Hi......i have recently purchased the radar box......must say im very impressed
but i find lots of routes are not shown  for flight nos displayed can anybody please help me  with any update files
re this
many thanks for any help

Malcolm Brd

Malcolm, can you confirm that you have flight numbers displayed, but no routes for those numbers?

If the aircraft isn't showing a flight number, then you won't get a route.  Also, if the flight crew have added a letter to the flight ID, like BAW009A then this won't show the route from the RadarBox database as this will be stored as BAW009.  We need to educate the flight crews :-)

I don't know of any route database, as the routes change all the time.  I have added single routes manually by doing a Google search for the flight number and seeing if it comes up with a route.

I see tarbat has added a post whilst I've been typing this.

tarbat, maybe you can explain this slowly :-), as I still have't quite grasped what you are doing.  I looked at Flight Display 6 and presumed that it wouldn't run without BaseStation running.


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Re: routes file for ver 1.4
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2008, 10:16:37 AM »
Allocator, it's very complicated.  I do this once a day at the moment:

1. Identify recent Flights in MyLog that don't have route information:
  ((Flights.Route IS NULL) OR
  (Flights.Route = "")) AND
  (Flights.Session > 16)

2. Select all these records, copy, and then I paste them into a spreadsheet I've written that converts these into records that look like a recording file from ANRB.

3. Open Planeplotter, and open FD6PP (the Planeplotter version of FD6).

4. Get PP to read the pseudo recording file.

5. Click on each aircraft in turn, which forces FD6PP to lookup the route.

6. Export these routes from the FD6 database.

7. Import the routes into the NavData routes table.

BTW, I've also suggested to Allan (author of FD6) that he write a version for ANRB.  Unfortunately he doesn't have a Radarbox so isn't in a position to do this.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 10:25:13 AM by tarbat »


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Re: routes file for ver 1.4
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2008, 10:24:36 AM »
ahhh...... thanks tarbat - I think?

No, I can see what you are doing, but I don't think that I'm really that serious about the routes to do this.  I will have a play when I get a bit of time though, to see how it works.




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Re: routes file for ver 1.4
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2008, 10:27:06 AM »
ahhh...... thanks tarbat - I think?

Told you it was complicated!!!

I find routes very useful.  I get a lot of non-ADS/B aircraft (eg Loganair), and being able to see their route information really helps to visualise where the aircraft is.


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Re: routes file for ver 1.4
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2008, 09:14:22 AM »
A couple of you have PM'd me about this.  An easier way of automatically adding new routes is as follows:

1. Start ANRB, and start recording to a file.
2. Run Planeplotter, and set it up to read the recording file.
3. Run the beta of FD6PP (available at ), with autopopulate turned on.
4. For positionless aircraft, you need to click on each of these in PP to get the route.

Then, at the end of the day, export the routes from the FD6 table.  You'll need an SQLite database tool, something like SQLite Maestro.

  (Routes.DepICAO <> "") AND
  (Routes.ArrICAO <> "")

And import this into the routes table in NavData.db3.

I'm adding up to 100 routes each day using this method.


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Re: routes file for ver 1.4
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2008, 10:18:44 AM »
many thanks tarbat for all your help and info on this subject.....
really appreciated


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Re: routes file for ver 1.4
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2008, 08:37:24 PM »
Quite brilliant tarbat!

Works just as you say - thanks!

AirNav Development

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Re: routes file for ver 1.4
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2008, 08:59:41 PM »
Can you all explain us what does the above do? Users are starting to know more about the software than the programmers :-)


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Re: routes file for ver 1.4
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2008, 09:57:55 PM »
tarbat is the man to tell you, but as he's not on the forum at the moment, I'll have a go then he can correct me :-)

Flight Display 6 (link above in tarbat's post) is a clever utility program originally written for the SBS-1 and Planeplotter - now modified to run without the SBS-1 so this version is Flight Display 6 for PlanePlotter (FD6PP)

PlanePlotter is an ADS-B display interface that will display and share data from RadarBox and the SBS-1

- RadarBox is run and a log recording started

- Planeplotter is run and set to display the live aircraft recorded to the log display (the aircraft will be shown in PlanePlotter 5 minutes delayed)

- FD6PP is run

- When you select an aircraft in the PlanePlotter display (double left click), FD6PP looks up the Flight ID in a number of on-line locations and attempts to resolve a route.

- If a route is found, it is displayed on the PlanePlotter screen and FD6PP writes the route to its own SQL database.

- After a whole load of double clicking, the FD6PP SQL database builds up a few routes.

The FD6SQL database can be loaded into an SQL editor such as SQLite Maestro, and the route information exported in a friendly format - I used CSV

The RadarBox NavDat.db3 can now be loaded and the routes csv file exported in the step above, can be imported into NavDat.db3

Phew, I think that's about it.  So a fairly complicated way of populating the NavData.db3 routes table - but still much quicker than doing this manually.

So, what AirNav Development needs to do, is to incorporate a nice little routine that populates the route table in much the same way as the GAS database populates the aircraft table.

OK tarbat, that's my best effort, over to you for corrections :-)


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Re: routes file for ver 1.4
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2008, 10:40:36 PM »
Spot on Allocator, just one simplification though.  Set Autopopulate in FD6PP, and select all aircraft, and you don't even have to double click on the aircraft in PP.  Just leave PP and FD6 running, and all the routes are automatically put into the FD6 SQL database.


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Re: routes file for ver 1.4
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2008, 10:43:38 PM »
Even better, thanks tarbat!