« on: April 12, 2011, 06:02:35 PM »
Here is a link to a video of the recently mishap @ JFK between a Air France A380-861 (F-HPJD) and a Comair CRJ700 (N641CA). Thank's to the higher powers, that no one was seriously injured.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 06:05:03 PM by neroon79 »

Greetings from northern Germany, Ingo
11.75nm ESE of EDDV
SW: ANRB v5.00.072/6.01.001 on WIN10 64Bit Pro&Home
Ant.: DPD Productions ADS-B Vertical Outdoor Base Antenna
AMP: Kuhne electr. KU LNA 1090 A TM
Cable: 25m of ECOFLEX 15+
NB: Asus P53E 24/7 op.
PC: 28"4K + 24" Monitor
AirSpy mini @RPi3