I managed to update the driver but things are still strange
When I look in the Radarbox properties, it says that the driver version is still from 2006 from Primetec. However when I click on the driver details it says that it is 2.04.00 version from FTDI copyright 2000-2007 ??? and firmware version field is still empty ...
OK, I'll go through the USB Driver install in slow time - although bear in mind that I already have the latest driver installed, so you may see something slightly different.
Go to the Device Manger by right clicking on My Computer and selecting Properties. Open the Hardware tab.

Click Device Manager and click the Universal Serial Bus controllers section to expand it. If you have any RadarBox drivers installed at present, you will see AirNav RadarBox at the top of the list.

Right click AirNav RadarBox in the USB controllers list and select Properties. Click the Driver tab. You will see the current driver version - you are looking for version as shown here.

If you need to update the driver, click Update to bring up the window shown below. Select "No, not at this time" - this is
very important - click Next

Select "Install from a specific location (Advanced)" Click Next

Select "Don't Search, I will choose the driver to install". Click Next.

Don't worry too much about what appears in this window in the Model section - you might see something different. You are not going to select a model, you are going to click "Have Disk"

When you get the Install from Disk window as shown below, click the Browse button and browse to the following directory:
C/:Program Files/AirNav Systems/AirNav RadarBox 2008/Drivers
and select the
ftdibus.inf and click OK to return to the Install from Disk window. Click OK again to move on.

If you get the window below, then click on AirNav RadarBox in the Model window to highlight it and click Next. This should complete the driver installation.
Note: If you do not get the last window show above, but get another Install from Disk window with the browse button, or you get a message saying file not found, take a note of the file that the install routine is looking for. You may need to browse for 3 files, one by one. They will all be in the Drivers directory, or in Drivers/i386.
If you just can't find the file manually, leave the Install from Disk window showing and use Windows search to find where the file is. Then you can browse to that file in the Install from Disk window.
OK, give that a try and see what happens.