Thanks aAlocator but I have tried to use both the AMD file and the i386 file and neither work. Are you saying I should be looking for a different driver that ftdibus.sys.....i should be looking for the ftdiunin file? Sorry but I am totally confused. Can't see how upgrading to this new software rev can be so hard!
I have found ftdiunin.exe in the system32 directory,
Look at the message in the window that you posted. It says:
"Setup cannot find the file ftdinun.ext"
This is the message you get after you have selected the ftdibus.sys file in the Drivers/i386 file.
Right, lets go thought this slowly.
- You plug you RadarBox into a USB port
- You get a message to say "new hardware detected"
- You select "Install from a specific location" (Advanced) - you must
not let Windows install automatically and must
not let Windows search the Internet.
- You browse to the Program Files/AirNav Systems/AirNav RadarBox 2007/Drivers/i386 directory where the ftdibus.sys file is located
- Click OK and Next
- The install looks for the next file - ftdiunin.exe - see this in the window below:

- Browse to the Windows/System32 directory and you will see ftdiunin.exe
- Click on the ftdiunin.exe file so it is highlighted and you can see it in the file bos at the bottom of the window
- Click OK/Retry and the driver installation will finish with the message "Hardware installed correctly" and you are good to go!
Let me know how you get on.