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Author Topic: New Windows Software Version  (Read 45031 times)

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Runway 31

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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #60 on: December 22, 2014, 03:49:42 PM »
I have updated the Task List and note that your freezing flight has been added.



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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #61 on: December 22, 2014, 04:03:39 PM »
Thanks for the info!

Greetings from northern Germany, Ingo
11.75nm ESE of EDDV

SW: ANRB v5.00.072/6.01.001 on WIN10 64Bit Pro&Home
Ant.: DPD Productions ADS-B Vertical Outdoor Base Antenna
AMP: Kuhne electr. KU LNA 1090 A TM
Cable: 25m of ECOFLEX 15+
NB: Asus P53E 24/7 op.
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AirSpy mini @RPi3


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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #62 on: December 26, 2014, 09:34:00 AM »
I noticed another interesting behaviour:

If an ADS-B equipped airframe enters my area it usually shows to following infos:

reg / Type
flight level/(vertical speed)/speed
route info (void)

as soon as flight id is optained it shows up in the MyFlights list, but the airframe label remains as stated above. Although its position has been updated several times in the meantime. It usually takes up to several 10 seconds until the flight id and route info finally shows up at the airframe label.

flight id
reg / type
flight level/(vertical speed)/speed
route info

I can't remeber, that this was the case in earlier versions of the software.

Greetings from northern Germany, Ingo
11.75nm ESE of EDDV

SW: ANRB v5.00.072/6.01.001 on WIN10 64Bit Pro&Home
Ant.: DPD Productions ADS-B Vertical Outdoor Base Antenna
AMP: Kuhne electr. KU LNA 1090 A TM
Cable: 25m of ECOFLEX 15+
NB: Asus P53E 24/7 op.
PC: 28"4K + 24" Monitor
AirSpy mini @RPi3

Runway 31

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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #63 on: December 26, 2014, 09:54:19 AM »
Ingo it does the same with the other info.  If I see an aircraft with an unknown hex code and add the details to the database and then click on the aircraft it comes up quite quickly on the grid, it can take a further minute or so before the map lable updates.

For flight ID's the flight may come up without route info initially while the routine looks it up from the server and then displays it on the grid/map and this usually takes a few seconds.



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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #64 on: December 26, 2014, 10:21:12 AM »
It's the same with flight id's, in which the route is already in the lokal database.
MyFlight list shows full info immediately after ID is received, but the label on the map remains with hex number as first line for (as you stated) up to one minute until flight id and route info is shown.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 10:23:15 AM by neroon79 »
Greetings from northern Germany, Ingo
11.75nm ESE of EDDV

SW: ANRB v5.00.072/6.01.001 on WIN10 64Bit Pro&Home
Ant.: DPD Productions ADS-B Vertical Outdoor Base Antenna
AMP: Kuhne electr. KU LNA 1090 A TM
Cable: 25m of ECOFLEX 15+
NB: Asus P53E 24/7 op.
PC: 28"4K + 24" Monitor
AirSpy mini @RPi3

Runway 31

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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #65 on: December 26, 2014, 10:42:16 AM »
I believe the route info is still checked even if it is in the onboard database to ensure for example it is not time expired and if so it is marked on the server as such. 

The server accesses real-time commercial flight information provided by flightstats. Flights are checked to see if is present on this database. If yes the org/fdst is taken from it.  If not present we get it from our own database.  Alpha-numeric flight ID's usually come from our own database as the commercial providers don't usually have these and the same with cargo flights and charter flights.  This is the case for network flights but I don't know about local flights but these go though checking and look up processes as well.
Work is still ongoing with the flight look up routines

« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 10:53:43 AM by Runway 31 »


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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #66 on: December 26, 2014, 11:54:19 AM »
Many thanks for background information about the flight look up routines.

I don't think, that the routines are the problem. The problem or better the distraction is, that it seems that we have two different processing procedures for the displaying of that information.

It seems that MyFlight list uses the following procedure:

Look-up info in local db -> display in MyFlights table -> check online if it's still valid, if valid: do nothing / if not valid: alter/update db if not valid anymore -> do nothing / display altered info

Map seems to be altered by following procedure:

do nothing -> do nothing -> do nothing -> update lable

For me it would look more professional, if both would be processed by same procedure and at the same time.
That can be realized in two different ways:

1. receive -> look-up local -> Display -> check online -> (alter) -> (Display)

or, what I would prefer

2. receiver -> look-up local -> check online -> (alter) -> Display

In both cases the time difference between the displaying of the route information in the MyFlights list and in the airframe lable on the Map would be as small as the difference between the two refresh rates.

Maybe we can suggest this to Aleksey after his current work is finished.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 11:55:55 AM by neroon79 »
Greetings from northern Germany, Ingo
11.75nm ESE of EDDV

SW: ANRB v5.00.072/6.01.001 on WIN10 64Bit Pro&Home
Ant.: DPD Productions ADS-B Vertical Outdoor Base Antenna
AMP: Kuhne electr. KU LNA 1090 A TM
Cable: 25m of ECOFLEX 15+
NB: Asus P53E 24/7 op.
PC: 28"4K + 24" Monitor
AirSpy mini @RPi3

Runway 31

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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #67 on: December 26, 2014, 12:37:14 PM »
I will try and find out how the local flights work both for the grid and map display I would also state that I can watch flights coming up out of my local airport and as far as I was aware there was no delay/difference between the grid and label.  As far as I am aware the display routines have not changed for a good time as it was one of the first corrections carried out in the update process a long time back.

New flights coming up out of the airport don't always display the flight ID initially and it can take a few moments before the flight ID is displayed which then allows the route to be processed and then displayed but as far as I can remember I usually note both the grid and map lable changing at the same time. 

I will have a look into it further as I can see flights on the ground at Edinburgh on the network and then pick them up on myflights as they come into my receiver range.

I agree that the grid and label info should change together and if this is not the case I will report this.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 12:49:32 PM by Runway 31 »


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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #68 on: December 26, 2014, 12:40:03 PM »
Just fished another one:

If you try to add an already existing ICAO airline code you don't get a Software error message but an EurekaLog 6.0.18 error message

Content: SQLite Error 19 - column C3 is not unique.

Seems, that the false use / false input handling procedures are not implemented. I would say this one is medium severity.

Discovered due to a new annoying behaviour of Bundespolizei. Recently they don't enter BPO??? but BP0??? flight id's. Therefore I got the Logo of BOT Air Botswana. That's why I was toying around a little bit in the database to get the Bundespolizei Logo back.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 01:16:00 PM by neroon79 »
Greetings from northern Germany, Ingo
11.75nm ESE of EDDV

SW: ANRB v5.00.072/6.01.001 on WIN10 64Bit Pro&Home
Ant.: DPD Productions ADS-B Vertical Outdoor Base Antenna
AMP: Kuhne electr. KU LNA 1090 A TM
Cable: 25m of ECOFLEX 15+
NB: Asus P53E 24/7 op.
PC: 28"4K + 24" Monitor
AirSpy mini @RPi3


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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #69 on: December 26, 2014, 12:44:00 PM »

about the info displaying problem.

It just came to my mind:

I've spreaded ANRB window over two monitors. MyFlights List on primary Monitor, Map on the Desktop extension Monitor. Maybe that is, what is causing the strange behaviour.


Greetings from northern Germany, Ingo
11.75nm ESE of EDDV

SW: ANRB v5.00.072/6.01.001 on WIN10 64Bit Pro&Home
Ant.: DPD Productions ADS-B Vertical Outdoor Base Antenna
AMP: Kuhne electr. KU LNA 1090 A TM
Cable: 25m of ECOFLEX 15+
NB: Asus P53E 24/7 op.
PC: 28"4K + 24" Monitor
AirSpy mini @RPi3

Runway 31

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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #70 on: December 26, 2014, 01:03:11 PM »
Could be, I have been watching 4 flights come out of Edinburgh and at the most a second difference between the grid and the map display and on each occasion the route was on both when the came on screen.


Runway 31

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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #71 on: December 26, 2014, 01:04:26 PM »
Can you contact me by email regarding the ICAO one to give me a better understanding.



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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #72 on: December 26, 2014, 01:12:48 PM »
WILCO and done!

Greetings from northern Germany, Ingo
11.75nm ESE of EDDV

SW: ANRB v5.00.072/6.01.001 on WIN10 64Bit Pro&Home
Ant.: DPD Productions ADS-B Vertical Outdoor Base Antenna
AMP: Kuhne electr. KU LNA 1090 A TM
Cable: 25m of ECOFLEX 15+
NB: Asus P53E 24/7 op.
PC: 28"4K + 24" Monitor
AirSpy mini @RPi3

Runway 31

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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #73 on: December 26, 2014, 01:27:52 PM »
Ta Alan


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Re: New Windows Software Version
« Reply #74 on: December 27, 2014, 01:32:17 PM »

Quick query. How did you manage to separate your My Flights on one monitor and the Map on the other monitor?
Hope you don't mind me asking?

Thanks in advance
