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Author Topic: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version  (Read 34561 times)

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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #60 on: February 08, 2010, 06:07:11 PM »

OK, the only issue I have with this is that it is no longer obvious which way the aircraft are heading.  As my PC really struggles with anything other than 'Minimum' for the Network traffic and even with the Network refresh rate set at 30 seconds, you have to watch carefully to see the flow of Network traffic.  I'm not getting any trail at all from Network traffic either, only from the Hardware traffic.

If I set Network to 'Medium' my PC more or less stops dead and the 3D view is unusable.

Personally, I'd like to see the aeroplane symbols return - either that, or a way of reducing the PC loading that allows me to display 2D network symbols.

If the Network aircraft globes created a trail, that would help.

That actually was the reason we removed the aircraft icons. The icon never indicated direction, only climb, level and descend (the icon always pointed either left level, left up and left down). Having 2D icons with rotation is something that I tried implementing but it was often very confusing since they 'billboard' to the camera and rotation looks very odd. I'm still trying to find a good way to show direction with a 2D icon.

The 'medium' setting basically takes a 2D icon and lays it flat (parallel to the earth surface) and rotates it based on the aircraft heading. If you try choosing 'medium' for both hardware and network, then set 'Default number of Aircraft Trail Points' to 0, that might be usable on your system (it will only load icons w/o trails). This is a little more cpu intensive than the sphere icons, but not too much.

Unfortunately the network sphere's with 'minimum' setting selected won't show the trails. We should probably add this as an option in the next version.


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #61 on: February 09, 2010, 06:12:23 AM »
Seems to be a server error at the moment. No amount of "reload plugin" or switch to backup server is making it work!

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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #62 on: February 09, 2010, 01:42:57 PM »
Seems to be a server error at the moment. No amount of "reload plugin" or switch to backup server is making it work!

Did it go back into 3D mode eventually? Or is it still not working for you? Did anyone else run into this problem?

I will look into whether there was a server issue around this time.


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #63 on: February 09, 2010, 04:15:34 PM »
Seems to be a server error at the moment. No amount of "reload plugin" or switch to backup server is making it work!

I did notice that if I was to shut down the software and restart within a few seconds I would not launch into 3d, and it would offer me to purchase 3d or something along that line and then proceed to continue in 2d mode. At one point I noticed multiple instances of the software running after a couple of shut downs and restarts of the software which I'm sure caused this issue at least once. At least one time however I launched and couldn't get it to go into a 3d start and I didn't see another instance of the software running as a process or an app under the two different tabs after using ctrl,alt,delete.

It does appear that waiting for more than just a few seconds will prevent more than one instance of the software running or failure to start in 3d, but I haven't timed it yet  but it's longer than one would think they would have to wait that's for sure.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 04:20:03 PM by Falcon »


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #64 on: February 09, 2010, 05:08:53 PM »
That actually was the reason we removed the aircraft icons. The icon never indicated direction, only climb, level and descend (the icon always pointed either left level, left up and left down). Having 2D icons with rotation is something that I tried implementing but it was often very confusing since they 'billboard' to the camera and rotation looks very odd. I'm still trying to find a good way to show direction with a 2D icon.

The 'medium' setting basically takes a 2D icon and lays it flat (parallel to the earth surface) and rotates it based on the aircraft heading. If you try choosing 'medium' for both hardware and network, then set 'Default number of Aircraft Trail Points' to 0, that might be usable on your system (it will only load icons w/o trails). This is a little more cpu intensive than the sphere icons, but not too much.

Unfortunately the network sphere's with 'minimum' setting selected won't show the trails. We should probably add this as an option in the next version.

All noted - clearly I'd misunderstood the meaning of the aeroplane symbols too!

Unfortunately, my PC just isn't up to viewing the 2D Network symbols even with the trail points set to zero - everything just grinds to a halt.

Another idea then - how about making the 'minimum' aircraft spheres a bit smaller (a lot smaller in fact!) and give them a trail.  At least that would make the 3D Network display usable for those of us with slightly older PC's.


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #65 on: February 09, 2010, 05:12:16 PM »
One bug reported remains: the Preferences window jumping to the background when ticked (not always, but occasionally). Great product though, enjoying it thanks to you...


Hi Frank

I am not seeing the Preferences window problem on my Win 7 systems here.



I'm still loosing the Preference box behind the main RB window occasionally.


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #66 on: February 09, 2010, 07:58:39 PM »
Did it go back into 3D mode eventually? Or is it still not working for you? Did anyone else run into this problem?

Was still not working this morning for me, although other sites using the GE plugin were working.

A system reboot my end fixed the problem... very strange....


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #67 on: February 09, 2010, 09:17:10 PM »
Downloaded 4.03 into new directory from fresh install, and when run it tellsme 3D version is available and doI want to order it.

Still seem to be running 2D


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #68 on: February 09, 2010, 09:59:43 PM »
Still no problems to report here, all working fine.


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #69 on: February 09, 2010, 10:10:09 PM »
I've currently got multiple aircraft that I'm actively tracking in MyFlights (with globe icon) and actively updating and when you double click on  some of these the 3d map zooms to where the aircraft should be, but other than the tracking lines there is no aircraft symbol of any type. You just watch the track line form and that's it. It's a ghost!

When using the home menu button it does show a 2d a/c symbol when looking top down.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 10:15:19 PM by Falcon »


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #70 on: February 09, 2010, 10:29:03 PM »
the 3d map zooms to where the aircraft should be, but other than the tracking lines there is no aircraft symbol of any type. You just watch the track line form and that's it. It's a ghost!

Yes - I've seen the occasional missing 3D model as well.

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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #71 on: February 09, 2010, 10:31:41 PM »
EMA: Good News, tks.
EI4GBX: please send me an email to [email protected] with your S/N;
Falcon: this should have already been corrected. Can you confirm the version you are using? (about menu, exe date/time);

At this time we have decided to go ahead and release the application. This is a brand new technology applied to flight tracking and we are aware we will have some complaints in the begging. Anyway the app has been reported to be 100% stable on most of the systems. From now on we need user feedback for further fine tuning.


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #72 on: February 09, 2010, 10:52:08 PM »
EMA: Good News, tks.
EI4GBX: please send me an email to [email protected] with your S/N;
Falcon: this should have already been corrected. Can you confirm the version you are using? (about menu, exe date/time);

At this time we have decided to go ahead and release the application. This is a brand new technology applied to flight tracking and we are aware we will have some complaints in the begging. Anyway the app has been reported to be 100% stable on most of the systems. From now on we need user feedback for further fine tuning.


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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #73 on: February 09, 2010, 10:55:18 PM »
It shouldn't happen. Stby for the 3D Development reply.

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Re: ANRB403 Available - Non-Beta Version
« Reply #74 on: February 09, 2010, 11:25:13 PM »
I've currently got multiple aircraft that I'm actively tracking in MyFlights (with globe icon) and actively updating and when you double click on  some of these the 3d map zooms to where the aircraft should be, but other than the tracking lines there is no aircraft symbol of any type. You just watch the track line form and that's it. It's a ghost!

When using the home menu button it does show a 2d a/c symbol when looking top down.

From my experience with this so far, the problem is caused by the 3D plug-in attempting to load the 3D model from the application and some kind of error during the transfer happens causing it to fail for some unknown reason. I thought we'd eliminated this bug but it looks like it is still lingering in there. I will continue to work on this problem. There is a way to get around it as a temporary fix however. First, open your 'task manager' and kill all processes named 'geplugin.exe'. This will completely close the 3D plug-in (you will see it disappear from the ANRB application). Then click 'reload plug-in' and it will reload a fresh copy (this is different than just clicking 'reload plug-in' btw). The models will then be forced to reload from the application.

If this happens to anyone again, can you please post here or send me an email with what aircraft model was supposed to show, plus your network performance setting and hardware performance setting? This will help out during the testing/debugging process.